Led by Co-Founders and Co-Hosts Brad Barrett and Jonathan Mendonsa, ChooseFI has become home to the largest Financial Independence community in the world. Every podcast episode, video, and blog article is packed with relatable, real-life content crowdsourced from the FI community.
Join us each week as we share the best life hacks, strategies, stories, tools, and resources to help you take control of your money and get 1% better each day on your journey to FI.
"The Financial Independence movement has grown to be a movement in large part because of a podcast called ChooseFI."
Jean Chatzky
CEO of HerMoney and Financial Editor of NBC’s TODAY Show
On the path
I love the podcast. Come from a Dave Ramsey background. My wife and I worked our way out of debt except for the 15-year mortgage. Always felt guilty about my travel rewards through credit card bonuses. I then discovered the F.I.R.E movement. Reading all I could about FI and stumbled onto your podcast. Since diving into the Podcast my wife and I have downsized homes. Which came with a significant decrease in debt and tax savings. Cut the cord on cable and slimmed down the budget. My wife who is an RN was able to leave her high stress and high paying job as a director for an RN position working from home. This year we will max out both our 403b, two Roth IRAs (back door) and Health Saving account. Using the HSA as a super IRA as referred to by the Mad Fientist. I am happy to say my net worth just crossed over the 1 million mark at the ripe old age of 41. I currently work in with the HR department on allowing access to a 457 plan which is currently only available to Physicians. I work as a Physician Assistant which I believe can be a great career path for someone interested in the F.I.R.E. Thank you for all the great work.
Great for those pursuing FI
I found this podcast a couple weeks ago from an email I got from the Mad Fientist and have now listened to all of the episodes. I love their approach to FI and how they realize that every person's situation is different. There are actionable tips for everyone. I like the regular schedule in which they release new episodes. They have great guests, great topics, and a great approach.
Co-Founder & Co-Host
After years in public accounting as a CPA, Brad reached financial independence at the age of 35 through diligent savings and investing. Brad Is passionate about everything from saving money, to living a more healthy lifestyle, to ‘boring’ things like tracking your finances and cutting down on your tax bill. But his favorite topic is leveraging credit card rewards to save more money, and take trips you never would have dreamed possible for pennies on the dollar.
Co-Founder & Co-Host
Jonathan loves simplifying complex financial topics and creating engaging conversations around them for the community. He is a writer, speaker, podcaster, and entrepreneur. Jonathan emphasizes skills over degrees and building your talent stack. He is passionate about entrepreneurship and personal growth. Join him as he navigates and shares his journey to Financial Independence with an emphasis on Talent Stacking.
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Since 2017, our podcast has been downloaded over 70 million times by listeners from all corners of the world, making us a leading voice in the Financial Independence movement.
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