Led by Co-Founders and Co-Hosts Brad Barrett and Jonathan Mendonsa, ChooseFI has become home to the largest Financial Independence community in the world. Every podcast episode, video, and blog article is packed with relatable, real-life content crowdsourced from the FI community.
Join us each week as we share the best life hacks, strategies, stories, tools, and resources to help you take control of your money and get 1% better each day on your journey to FI.
"The Financial Independence movement has grown to be a movement in large part because of a podcast called ChooseFI."
Jean Chatzky
CEO of HerMoney and Financial Editor of NBC’s TODAY Show
A heart-felt THANK YOU from all of us.
Thank you Brad and Jonathan- I started listening to your podcast as a highly educated, but super broke new single mom to a toddler. After applying Dave Ramsey’s tools and paying off $22k of debt in 4 months I opened my horizons to choose FI. I can’t get enough! I love hearing your inspiring talks about wealth, life, and a better work/life balance. I am happy to report I have maxed out my retirement account this year, thrown a bunch of money into my son’s 529, and have taught colleagues and family members what I have learned. Two colleagues actually thought they would be arrested for using these life hacks. I told them this is actually how you amass wealth and you don’t have to work harder just smarter. They say if you teach one woman they bring it back to the community- I agree. The stretch of the ripples you have created are infinite! Thank you! Keep it coming!
Be aware. This podcast will literally change your life. I’ve always been good with money but Brad and Jonathan fine tuned me into an investing machine. Their guidance has put my family on a path to generational wealth and I cannot thank them enough for that! -Brandon
Co-Founder & Co-Host
Brad is passionate about helping others reach financial independence. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nulla consequat felis id orci fermentum, vel pulvinar lectus vulputate. In hac habitasse platea dictumst.
Co-Founder & Co-Host
Jonathan loves simplifying complex financial topics for the community. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Fusce ac fermentum eros. Vestibulum vitae pharetra quam. Curabitur tincidunt dolor sit amet enim viverra, at sagittis justo facilisis.
We have over 300 local groups around the world where real meetups are happening and communities are forming, all centered around Financial Independence.
Since 2017, our podcast has been downloaded over 70 million times by listeners from all corners of the world, making us a leading voice in the Financial Independence movement.
There's more to discover about the FI community and what we've accomplished.
Join one of our local groups for real-world meetups and events.
Our podcast is listened to in over 50 countries.
Our community continues to grow with each episode.