Sep 11, 2017
Take A Gap Year | Money Metagame
040 | Today we have Noah and Becky from Money Metagame on the podcast to discuss their story, their upcoming 'Gap Year' of travel plus an incredible college hack they used to get full-tuition scholarships. In Today’s Podcast we cover: A discussion with Noah and Becky from Money Metagame Noah and Becky’s history behind their path to FI Travel Rewards was what initially got them into the world of Financial Independence How Noah introduced this idea to Becky originally Becky was originally hesitant but after seeing some stress in their lives became more open to it How the personal finance and financial independence sub-Reddits became Noah’s go-to sources for information The story behind the name Money Metagame How Noah and Becky both got full-tuition scholarships to Purdue University through the Evans Scholars program How they found out about this program to get these college scholarships The background on how others can benefit from this scholarship opportunity What was the thought process behind them buying a house in Seattle upon moving there? The mortgage on their house was actually less than what they were paying in rent What was the process behind them getting rid of PMI (Private Mortgage Insurance) on their home? After they found the concept of FI they started maxing out their 401ks, HSAs and Roth-IRAs, plus regular brokerage accounts Their savings rate went from 6% in 2014 to 58% in 2015 after finding FI. It has since gone up from there