featured image for podcast episodeDesign Your Future | Dominick Quartuccio

Design Your Future | Dominick Quartuccio
Episode 033

Posted by Choose FI

Episode Guide

Episode Summary:

The pursuit of happiness often leads individuals to question conventional choices in their lives. Dominick Quartuccio shares his journey from a successful career in financial services to discovering a path driven by personal fulfillment and intentional living. He emphasizes the importance of understanding feelings of restlessness and the psychological aspects of success. Through personal anecdotes and transformative experiences, he offers insights on breaking free from societal expectations and creating a life designed around one's passions. By challenging limiting beliefs and fostering a sense of community, listeners are encouraged to acknowledge their desires for happiness and recognize their power to shape their futures intentionally.

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With Dominick Quartuccio

Where to Find Me

Designing Your Future: The Road to Intentional Living

Living an intentional life is a transformative journey that begins with recognizing our own authority over our circumstances and desires. As Dominick Quartuccio illustrates in his enlightening discussion with Jonathan Mendonsa and Brad Barrett on ChooseFI, the pursuit of happiness often requires us to confront conventional choices and dare to forge our unique paths. Below, we delve into actionable strategies for designing a fulfilling and unconventional life based on key insights from the podcast.

Understanding Drift vs. Intentional Living

Many people navigate life on autopilot, going through the motions without a clear sense of direction. This “drifting” is reinforced by societal expectations and fear of change. To counteract this, one must grasp the distinction between drifting and intentional living.

Identify the Drift

Ask yourself:

  • Are most of my decisions driven by external pressures rather than internal desires?
  • Do I often find myself feeling restless, despite seeming success on paper?

These questions can help you pinpoint any drifting behavior. Recognizing this is the first step toward reclaiming agency over your life.

Embrace the Space Between Stimulus and Response

Viktor Frankl's profound insight about the space between stimulus and response provides a powerful tool for self-awareness. In every moment of choice, there's an opportunity to veer off the habitual path and respond differently.

Actionable Steps:

  • When faced with a stimulus that triggers an automatic response, pause to reflect.
  • Consider alternative reactions instead of defaulting to the familiar.
  • Practicing this pause can be transformative, gradually reshaping your responses and leading to more intentional decisions.

Overcoming Guilt and Limiting Beliefs

A significant barrier to intentional living is the guilt associated with desiring more. It's easy to fall into the trap of feeling ungrateful for wanting change. This often stems from deeply ingrained beliefs about worth and success.

Challenge Your Beliefs

  1. Examine Your Narrative: Reflect on the beliefs that guide your life choices. Often, we accept limiting beliefs without questioning their validity.
  2. Ask "What If?": What if you could achieve more than you ever thought possible?
  3. Seek Support: Engage with a community or coach who can reinforce positive beliefs and challenge limitations.

Cultivating Intentionality in Daily Life

Intentional living requires mindful decision-making in every aspect of your life, from resources to relationships.

Make a Vision Statement

  1. Write Your Eulogy: This exercise pushes you to contemplate what you want to be remembered for. What achievements or qualities do you wish to be honored for at your life’s end?
  2. Set Short-Term Goals: Break down your long-term vision into manageable, actionable steps. What can you do today that aligns with your intended future?

The Power of Community Support

Creating a support network can significantly impact your journey toward intentional living. Surround yourself with individuals who inspire growth and challenge your status quo.

  1. Seek Out Like-minded Individuals: Whether through retreats, workshops, or online forums, connecting with people who share your pursuit of happiness can foster motivation and accountability.
  2. Engage in Meaningful Conversations: Discuss your goals and aspirations regularly. Sharing your journey with others can keep you on track and offer fresh perspectives.

Designing Financial Independence

Financial independence is an essential aspect of living intentionally. It provides the freedom to make choices aligned with your values rather than obligations dictated by financial constraints.

  1. Evaluate Your Spending: Examine your expenses and assess whether they align with your happiness index. Are you spending on things that enhance your well-being, or are you contributing to your feeling of drift?
  2. Invest in Yourself: Make intentional investments in experiences, education, or coaching that foster growth and joy in your life.

Conclusion: Step Into Your Power

The journey to design your future and live intentionally starts now. Reflect on your life to identify areas of drift, embrace the space between stimulus and response, challenge limiting beliefs, and engage with a supportive community. Remember, you possess the ultimate authority over your life choices. By taking actionable steps today, you can redirect your path toward a fulfilling, unconventional future.

Embrace the discomfort of change, release the guilt of wanting more, and cultivate a life that excites you. Your future awaits; start designing it now!

In today's podcast we speak with Dominick Quartuccio from DominickQ.com and the author of the book Design Your Life about disrupting your behaviors and 'creating a future you can't wait to live into.'

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Podcast Episode Summary

  • Our guest is Dominick Quartuccio the author of Design Your Future who is here to talk about ‘designing a future you can’t wait to live into’

  • This is a very personal episode for Brad, as Dom is a close friend and the person Brad goes to for advice and motivation

  • FI is focused on freedom and that is what Dominick focuses on, but with an emphasis on energy

  • People in Dominick’s world were asking questions about ‘where to go from here’, even though they seemingly have everything

  • Community is such an essential aspect of life

  • We all need to be intentional and not drift through life

  • Dominick’s explanation of the term ‘drift’ as defined by Napoleon Hill and what happens if you live an unintentional life

  • How to know if you’re drifting in life? Are you reacting based on fear?

  • Progress is an essential aspect of being a human

  • What is on your life horizon that gets you ‘excited like a kid on Christmas morning’?

  • How beliefs impact how you live your life and how Dom’s belief held him back from leaving his corporate job

  • Systemic spending. How Dom’s gym impacts his entire system

  • An awakening: Most are unintentional, but Dominick advises looking for intentional awakenings

  • Disrupting: How to disrupt your behaviors, stories, etc.

  • Possible disruptions would be to abstain from a behavior for a period of time (“no Netflix for 60 days”, etc.)

  • ‘The space between a stimulus and the response’

  • How to interrupt your normal response after a standard stimulus

  • How 95% of your thoughts, feelings, behaviors, etc. fall below your conscious thinking

  • How the 5% of conscious thought can impact and change the 95% of habits, behaviors and become habitual

  • How to design the future you can’t wait to live into

  • Writing your own eulogy to focus on the ‘celebration of life’

  • How long do you want to live? What do you want to experience in life?  What did you leave behind – what lives on beyond you?

  • Shifting your focus to realize you have ‘ultimate authority’ over your life

  • Dominick’s Eulogy

  • A 90 day action plan to set a defined goal to help design your future

  • The value of small changes and process improvements over time

  • What happens to your energy when working through a 90 day plan and tips to sustain the plan

  • How to curate an internal state that makes you stronger

  • Hot Seat Questions

  • Meditation is Dom’s favorite life hack

  • Dom’s biggest financial mistake: spending too much money launching his business

Listen to Brad and Jonathan's thoughts about this episode here.

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Books Mentioned in the Show: