featured image for podcast episodeLet's Talk About Fees | Why Investment Fees Are Evil and How to Avoid Them

Let's Talk About Fees | Why Investment Fees Are Evil and How to Avoid Them
Episode 003

Posted by Choose FI

Episode Guide

Episode Summary:

Understanding and minimizing investment fees is critical for building long-term wealth. The discussion reveals that many investors unknowingly participate in high-cost mutual funds or hire financial advisors who underperform compared to low-cost index funds. By using a VTSAX investment strategy, investors can potentially compound their returns significantly over 40 years. Brad and Jonathan share potential earnings scenarios comparing various investment approaches, illustrating how seemingly small fees can lead to substantial losses in future earnings. The episode emphasizes the psychological benefits of investing with low fees, promoting peace of mind and a straightforward investment strategy. Listeners are encouraged to evaluate their current expense ratios and consider the impact of fees on their investment growth.

Episode Timestamps

The Impact of Investment Fees on Financial Independence

Achieving financial independence is a journey that requires astute financial decisions. One often-overlooked factor that significantly influences your wealth accumulation is investment fees. This guide will breakdown the importance of understanding and minimizing investment fees, particularly when it comes to choosing the right funds.

Understanding Investment Fees

Investment fees can drastically affect your returns over time, making it essential to grasp how they work. The most common types of fees associated with investment funds include:

  • Expense Ratio: This is the annual fee expressed as a percentage of your investment. It encompasses various costs, from fund management to administrative expenses. A lower expense ratio means more money stays in your investment.

  • Activation Fees: Some actively managed funds charge an upfront fee when you invest. Understanding the implications of these fees is crucial for your overall investment strategy.

  • Advisory Fees: If you engage a financial advisor, they usually take a percentage of your assets as a fee for their services. It's important to evaluate whether the value provided justifies the costs incurred.

To illustrate the significance of fees, consider this: Even a seemingly small difference in expense ratios can translate into hundreds of thousands, if not millions, of dollars lost in potential gains over the long run.

The Case for Low-Cost Index Funds

Low-cost index funds, such as VTSAX, provide an excellent alternative to high-cost mutual funds. Here’s why you should consider them:

Benefits of Low-Cost Index Funds

  1. Higher Returns: Low-cost index funds typically have lower expense ratios compared to actively managed funds. Historical data shows that over extended periods, index funds outperform their higher-cost counterparts by a significant margin.

  2. Simplicity: Investing in index funds is straightforward. By opting for a fund that tracks the total stock market, you can avoid the complexities associated with selecting individual stocks or picking specific managed funds.

  3. Market Performance: Index funds are designed to mirror market performance. Instead of attempting to outsmart the market, you benefit from its overall growth.

  4. Reduced Risk of Human Error: As Brad Barrett accurately points out, attempting to time the market often leads to emotional and irrational decisions. An index fund eliminates this risk by focusing on long-term growth rather than short-term fluctuations.

The Math Behind Investment Choices

Understanding the financial impact of your choices can crystalize the importance of low-cost funds. Here’s a breakdown of how different fee structures can affect your investment over 40 years based on three different scenarios:

  • Investing $100,000 with a 0.05% expense ratio: Over 40 years, this could grow to approximately $2.13 million.

  • Investing the same amount at a 1% expense ratio due to an advisor’s fee: This investment could yield about $1.47 million, costing you roughly $630,000 over the same period.

  • Investing in a high-cost actively managed fund with a 1% fee: In this case, the total value may sink down to $1.03 million, which denotes a loss exceeding $1 million compared to the low-cost index fund.

These numbers reveal how critical it is to consider fees when investing. Even small differences can lead to significant financial discrepancies in the future.

Taking Charge of Your Investments

Now that you understand the implications of various investment strategies, it's time to take actionable steps. Here’s what you can do:

Evaluate Your Current Investments

  1. Identify Expense Ratios: This week, take the time to check the expense ratios of your current investment accounts, including retirement plans and mutual funds.

  2. Reassess Your Strategy: If you find that your investments are heavy in high-cost funds, consider reallocating these to low-cost index funds or ETFs. The potential savings over decades can be life-changing.

  3. Educate Others: Share this knowledge with friends and family. By educating others about the importance of fees, you contribute not just to their financial literacy but also to a broader community of informed investors.


Investing doesn't have to be complicated, nor should it be a source of stress. By focusing on low-cost index funds and understanding investment fees, you set yourself on a clear path towards financial independence. Your financial future is in your hands—make the choice that keeps more of your money where it belongs: in your accounts.

Remember, each decision matters, and a small act of checking your investment fees today could save you millions in the long run. Are you ready to take control of your financial future? Start today by reassessing your investment strategies!

Learn how devastating fees can be to you net worth and how to avoid them.

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  • How to invest your 401k?  Nobody knows!

  • Index funds and low cost ETFs are the way to go

  • Readings that changed our investing trajectory

  • Who outperforms the market?  Nobody.  Hold the course and buy the entire US market.

  • You aren’t going to find a brilliant financial advisor who can outperform the market

  • Running an investment scenario and seeing the impact of fees on a 40-year return

  • Scenario 1: $100k into VTSAX and letting it ride for 40 years = $2.13 million

  • Scenario 2: $100k into VTSAX but hiring an investment advisor.  40 years = $1.46 million

  • Scenario 3: $100k into actively managed fund + investment advisor. 40 years = $1.03 million

  • VTSAX isn’t the only option, but keep in mind that FEES MATTER!

  • This strategy allows us to sleep easy.

  • Buying “US” companies also gives you exposure to international markets

  • Warren Buffett’s advice to his trustee: Invest 90% of his estate in a “very low cost S&P 500 Index Fund (I suggest Vanguard).”

Links from the show:

Books Mentioned in the Show:


  • Reading those articles (Stock Series by Jim Collins) changed the entire course of my investing life.

  • The likelihood of you finding that brilliant financial advisor is as close to zero as possible.

  • What we’re saying is, FEES MATTER.

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