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Health & Weight Loss Challenge

Posted by Choose FI

Why am I doing a 6-month Health Challenge?

I have always loved the idea of quickly and aggressively getting into shape from where ever you are. Ideally once you are in shape, you would just stay there and maintain it – I have struggled with this and found this much more difficult as I change seasons (Fall, Winter etc) and seasons of life. Between the birth of my 2nd child last August and COVID this spring my routines, which I count on to maintain my health, have collapsed. I stepped on a scale in April and hit 202 lbs. I'm 5'8″ tall and carrying that extra weight takes a toll on my energy, health, and mood. I found myself having a late-night snack every night and grazing from meal to meal. And while there always feels like there is work to be done I wasn't making my health a priority. so for the next 6 months I'm prioritizing my health to get it back. The good news for me is that I have done this before and I know what it takes. So as long as I make it a priority, and can stay the course ( read keep it interesting) for 3-6 months then I can get in whatever shape I want.

Keeping it interesting

Keeping it interesting is the goal of this challenge. If I follow through the results will take care of themselves but how to stay motivated and stay the course. I'm documenting this 6-month transformation for you and I hope that it will inspire and motivate you and also take keep me interested in the process. I want to cut through the noise and just share the 80/20 of how to drop the weight. This is the second time I've done something like this and brought it to the ChooseFI platform. The Last time I did this was in 2017 and while I got the results I struggle to juggle the production and vlog while handling getting the podcast off the ground and my 9-5. And while I lost 25lbs I had trouble maintaining the production pace and quality that wanted to be able to share with you. This time I feel confident that I can follow through on this Vlog and I I plan on over-delivering.

The Goal

I Will lose 20 to 30 pounds over the next 6 months.

Secondary Goals

60 DoubleUnders 30 Pull ups with Strict Form

My Commitment to You

I will release an Update Video every 1-2 weeks with a blend of accountability updates and tactics. That's enough time that there should be a notable difference and also it will give me enough time to keep the production value on these videos rather high. I like to produce quality stuff and I'm using this YouTube series a chance to practice some of my video editing skills and build my talent stack.

How Can You Join me On This Challenge

I made a bet with myself that in 6 months I will have dropped 10% of my body weight. I bet $300 (or $5o a month). Spoiler I won't lose this bet ? speaking of challenges if you're interested in this idea of getting in the best shape of your life over the next 6 months and want to go on this journey with me and use my VLog as a form of accountability Then Do it. From whenever you find this article and you commit that's your Day Zero how much progress could you make in 6 months. And if you want to piggyback on my weight loss bet I can add a $40 bonus to your bet as well. Again I know I will win this bet with myself, as long as I stay motivated to follow the tips I am sharing over this series. Motivation and discipline are the keys to winning this game. Make a Weight Loss Bet With Yourself

Here is My Day 0 Video - Where I share How bad things got

Here is my Day 14 (2 week Update)

Resources Mentioned in Video

Barrett Top 50 Meals My Healthy Wage Challenge

The LAws of Lean

Stay tuned for additional videos or subscribe and ring the bell on our youtube channel to get follow me on this journey.