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The Milestones Of FI
Episode 032

Posted by Choose FI

Episode Guide

Episode Summary:

Joel from FI180.com introduces the concept of milestones in financial independence (FI), contrasting them with Dave Ramsey's baby steps. Key milestones include achieving a positive net worth, being debt-free excluding a mortgage, and reaching financial independence defined as having 25 times one\u2019s annual spending. Joel emphasizes the significance of 'FU money,' the personal capital phone call, and the psychological impacts of each milestone. A major focus is on accessible metrics for progress that can motivate individuals on their journey towards FI. This episode breaks down these milestones, sharing practical advice and personal stories, highlighting how listeners can celebrate their successes and maintain motivation along their financial journey.

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With Joel FI180

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The Path to Financial Independence: Key Milestones for Success

Achieving financial independence (FI) is a transformative journey that allows individuals to take control of their financial future. Here are essential milestones that guide you along this path, helping you track your progress and motivate you to stay the course.

Understanding Financial Independence

Financial independence represents the advanced mastery of personal finance, allowing you to live life on your own terms. It involves saving a substantial amount of money—typically 25 times your annual expenses—so that your investments can cover your living costs, essentially putting your financial future in your own hands.

Milestone 1: Achieving a Positive Net Worth

The first significant milestone on the journey to financial independence is achieving a positive net worth. This means that the total value of your assets exceeds your liabilities, setting the foundation for financial growth. Being debt-free, apart from any mortgages, enhances your financial standing and signals that your financial freedom clock has started. Celebrate this win, as it symbolizes the beginning of your journey.

Milestone 2: FU Money—Empower Your Choices

Having FU money—short for "F*** You" money—means you have enough savings to walk away from a job you dislike without concern. This financial buffer can equate to two years’ worth of living expenses, allowing you to pursue opportunities that align with your values. Achieving FU money empowers you to make choices that prioritize your well-being over financial necessity.

Milestone 3: Hitting Half FI

Reaching the half FI mark signifies that you've saved at least half of your target FI number (12.5 times your annual expenses). This milestone is crucial because it demonstrates upward momentum and gives you a closer view of your potential retirement timeline. Psychologically, it reinforces that you are on track, potentially increasing your motivation to maintain or improve your savings habits.

Milestone 4: Lean FI—Basic Necessities Covered

Achieving Lean FI means you've amassed enough funds to cover your essential living expenses without discretionary spending. With Lean FI, the pressure to work is alleviated, giving you freedom and the option to explore side hustles or new ventures without the burden of financial insecurity. This stage invites you to embrace creativity and explore new passions, knowing your basic needs are secured.

Milestone 5: The Crossover Point

This milestone occurs when your investments earn more than your income contributions in a given month. It reflects a significant shift in your financial journey, where your money begins to work harder than you do. Achieving this milestone is empowering and allows you to experience a profound sense of accomplishment. Tracking this milestone serves as a reminder of the potential of compound interest and disciplined investing.

Milestone 6: Flex FI—More Freedom to Explore

Flex FI occurs when you save about 20 times your annual expenses, allowing you the liberty to retire early as long as you remain flexible in your spending. In this phase, you may opt for part-time work or pursue entrepreneurial endeavors as a means to stay engaged and diversified in your income streams. The key is that you have enough savings to withstand fluctuations in your financial situation, making it a strategic point in your journey.

Milestone 7: Financial Independence Achieved

This is the pinnacle of your journey. Once you reach a savings total of 25 times your annual spending, you have officially attained financial independence. The 4% rule estimates a 96% likelihood that your money will last, so you no longer have to work unless you choose to do so. You’re now free to redirect your time into pursuits that are meaningful to you, whether that’s traveling, volunteering, or starting new projects.

Milestone 8: Fat FI—Maximum Security

Fat FI is a level of financial independence where you've saved 30 times your annual expenses, granting you nearly absolute certainty. This amount allows you the highest margin of safety, ensuring that you can maintain your lifestyle, even in adverse economic conditions. For those who prioritize stability and are risk-averse, reaching Fat FI provides peace of mind.

Tracking Your Progress

The combination of these milestones outlines a pathway, serving as tangible markers to track your progress. Each achievement enhances your ability to manage your finances and opens up new opportunities for personal fulfillment. Acknowledge and celebrate each milestone, regardless of size, to maintain motivation and focus.

Action Steps to Accelerate Your Journey

  1. Set Clear Financial Goals: Identify your target FI number based on your annual expenses. Understanding your goal helps you design a saving and investing strategy.

  2. Track Your Net Worth: Maintain a monthly record of your assets and liabilities. This will help you visualize your progress toward a positive net worth.

  3. Build Your FU Fund: Save for at least two years of living expenses to create leverage in your career and enhance your decision-making.

  4. Celebrate Milestones: Take time to acknowledge your progress. Whether it’s through a small celebration or a personal reward, recognition will reinforce your efforts and encourage you to continue pushing forward.

  5. Stay Flexible: Embrace a mindset that allows for adaptability. Having the ability to navigate through life changes while retaining financial security is vital on your path to FI.


The journey to financial independence is not just about hitting a final target. It’s a series of steps, each providing its rewards and lessons. By recognizing and celebrating your accomplishments along the way, you’ll build confidence and strengthen your resolve to achieve your ultimate financial goals. Start today—take that first step on your path to financial independence.

In today's podcast we discuss the Milestones of FI with Joel from FI 180; this is a new look at the path to FI and the milestones along the way.

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Podcast Episode Summary

  • The ‘Milestones of FI’ with Joel from FI 180

  • We welcome Joel as our first repeat guest on Choose FI

  • The Milestones of FI as a ‘master’s degree’ journey after Dave Ramsey’s baby steps

  • Joel plans to be fully FI in January 2018

  • Joel is completely debt free and is shooting for $25,000 per year in other spending

  • FI creates a “magic money making machine” that spits out yearly ‘checks’ (the 4% rule)

  • FI is the ultimate luxury purchase to save for this ‘magic money making machine’

  • The Dave Ramsey Baby Steps explained

  • To get started on the Milestones of FI: Debt Free and/or $1 of positive net worth

  • First FI Milestone: $100,000 net worth when you first start getting calls from Personal Capital to setup a phone consultation

  • 2nd FI Milestone: ‘FU Money’ set; 2-3 years of yearly expenses saved up

  • 1st and 2nd milestone can be similar depending on your yearly spending

  • The 3rd milestone is ‘Half FI’ which puts you halfway to FI in total spending, but actually more than that in terms of time on your FI path

  • The path to FI is not linear and Joel explains

  • Milestone #4 is ‘Lean FI’ which means you have enough money to stop working forever if you cut out the discretionary aspects of your budget (about 30% of Joel’s budget)

  • Lean FI is an ‘emergency fund that would last forever’ as it covers your housing, food and other essentials

  • Lean FI is perfect for people with a side hustle to do it with no risk

  • The ‘crossover point’ could be another Milestone of FI. This is where your portfolio increase is more than the income you’re earning from your job

  • The next milestone is ‘Flex FI’: This is a ‘5% rule’ or 20x your annual spending in your total net worth

  • Flex FI is only viable for people who can build flexibility into their lives from year to year depending on the market returns, etc.

  • FI is not one milestone but a smooth continuum towards this goal

  • Flex FI has an 82% chance of success according to the Trinity Study (75% stocks, 25% bonds)

  • Financial Independence is the 7th 25x your annual spending.

  • All the work you do after you reach FI is completely optional. Now you can do what you want with your time.

  • When you reach FI you can pick and choose what you want to do at work and in life

  • The 8th milestone is ‘Fat FI’: This is 30x your annual spending which is the “closest thing to a sure thing” you can get in life

  • Where is Brad in milestone continuum?

  • Where is Jonathan?

  • What does Alexis and Joel’s milestone celebration look like?

Listen to Brad and Jonathan's thoughts about this episode here.

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