featured image for podcast episodeBrandon Pearce | Into The Wind

Brandon Pearce | Into The Wind
Episode 044

Posted by Choose FI

Episode Guide

Episode Summary:

Brandon Pierce shares his transformative journey from a conventional life to a lifestyle of travel and entrepreneurship. Having initially worked in a call center and juggling various side hustles, Brandon recognized the lack of job security and sought to take control of his financial future. By developing Music Teacher's Helper, a software tool for music teachers, he turned a hobby into a thriving business, allowing his family to travel the world for eight years, experiencing life in 36 countries. He discusses the challenges of managing a growing business while balancing family commitments and highlights the importance of community and personal connections in unfamiliar places. Brandon also touches upon unconventional education methods for his children, emphasizing an interest-led learning approach that fosters creativity and exploration. This episode is rich with insights into lifestyle design, personal growth, and the power of choosing a path less traveled.

Episode Timestamps

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With Brandon Pearce

Where to Find Me

Embrace Intentional Living: Transform Your Life Through Travel and Experiences

In today's fast-paced world, the quest for financial independence and personal fulfillment often leads individuals to seek alternatives to traditional lifestyles. One pathway that is gaining popularity is intentional living, particularly through family travel and geo-arbitrage. This guide will explore how you can transform your life by prioritizing experiences over possessions, inspired by the journey of Brandon Pierce, who shared his story on the ChooseFI Podcast.

The Shift to Intentional Living

Acknowledge the Impermanence of Life

Brandon's journey began with a personal tragedy—the death of his mother-in-law. This pivotal moment sparked a profound realization: life is too short to wait for the perfect time to pursue dreams. Recognizing the fleeting nature of existence can be a powerful motivator to shift your focus from mere comfort to living fully in the moment. Commit to seizing opportunities as they arise, and make intentional living a priority.

Prioritize Experiences Over Comfort

Brandon's family, after years of comfort living in suburbia, realized that their lives, though stable, lacked fulfillment. They sold their home, simplified their possessions, and began traveling the world. This leap into the unknown provided them with rich experiences that exceeded any material comforts they had previously enjoyed. Reflect on what truly brings you joy and fulfillment, and shift your priorities towards experiences that foster connection, growth, and happiness.

Practical Steps to Embrace Travel and Lifestyle Design

1. Test the Waters with Short Trips

If the idea of traveling full-time feels overwhelming, start small. Consider planning a test trip—perhaps a month abroad—to see how it resonates with your family. Engaging in a new culture, trying out local cuisines, and meeting new people can provide insights into whether a life of travel is right for you. The key is to embrace slow travel, immersing yourselves in the community and surroundings rather than merely passing through as tourists.

2. Embrace Slow Travel

Moving from place to place can be exhilarating, but the real transformation occurs when you embed yourselves in a local community. Spend at least a month in one location to soak up the culture, make local connections, and truly experience day-to-day life. This approach allows you to appreciate the nuances of daily life that often go unnoticed during quick visits.

3. Leverage Geo-Arbitrage

One of the most significant benefits of a location-independent lifestyle is geo-arbitrage, which involves moving to places with a lower cost of living while maintaining a higher income. By doing so, you can optimize your financial situation while enjoying a richer quality of life. Explore countries and regions where your money can stretch further, allowing you to enjoy a comfortable lifestyle without the financial strain.

Education Beyond Traditional Models

Interest-Led Learning

Brandon and his family adopted an interest-led learning approach for their children, allowing them to explore subjects they are passionate about. This method contrasts sharply with conventional education, focusing on rote memorization and standardized tests. Consider implementing this approach in your educational philosophy by supporting your children in pursuing their interests and passions, whether through hobbies, online learning, or local workshops.

Engage with Local Educational Resources

When traveling, take advantage of local educational opportunities. Museums, cultural events, workshops, and community centers often offer programs that can enrich your children’s learning experiences. These activities not only make education more engaging but also provide them with a broader view of the world.

Building Community While Traveling

Connect with Like-Minded Families

Brandon’s journey emphasized the importance of finding community, especially for families traveling full-time. Look for local expat groups, family travel forums, and events like the Family Adventure Summit to meet others who share your values and lifestyle goals. Establishing connections can provide support, friendship, and resources that enhance your experience.

Participate in Local Activities

Get involved in the local community by joining classes, sports, or volunteering opportunities. Engaging with residents allows you to build friendships and gain a deeper understanding of the culture. This not only enriches your travel experience but also provides meaningful interactions for your family.

Overcoming Fear and Taking Action

Addressing Common Fears

Fear is a natural response to change, especially when considering a lifestyle shift to full-time travel. Acknowledge your apprehensions about departure from the norm, whether related to stability, education, or safety. Reflect on what you stand to gain by overcoming these fears and stepping into a more intentional way of living.

Create an Action Plan

Draft a detailed plan that outlines your goals, financial considerations, and logistical details. Develop a timeline for implementation, starting with small changes and gradually increasing your travel endeavors. Make a commitment to consult your family, ensuring that everyone is aligned and enthusiastic about the journey ahead.

Optimize Your Time for Fulfillment

Track Your Time

To make the most of every day, consider tracking how you spend your time. Use tools like Toggl or even simple journal entries to categorize activities and identify areas where you can reclaim lost time. Focus on activities that align with your goals of fulfillment and intentional living.

Focus on Mindfulness and Presence

Incorporate mindfulness practices into your routines to enhance your presence with family and find joy in everyday moments. Engage fully with your loved ones, whether through shared experiences, conversations, or activities that bring you closer together. Emphasize the importance of connecting through shared experiences, leaving material distractions behind.

Conclusion: Your Journey Awaits

Intentional living through travel and embracing new experiences can be a transformative journey for you and your family. Start today by reflecting on your current priorities and consider small, actionable steps towards a more fulfilling life. Remember, it’s not just about where you go, but how you choose to experience the world around you. As you navigate this journey, be open to the lessons learned, connections made, and the joys that come from living intentionally. Your adventure begins now—take that first step!

Today we discuss how Brandon Pearce went from a call center job to being a full time entrepreneur, traveling the world with his wife and children and how he started the Family Adventure Summit.

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Podcast Episode Summary

  • Episode 44 with Brandon Pearce, who was recommended to us by Andrew from the ChooseFI community

  • Discussion of geo arbitrage, starting your own business and designing your future all wrapped up in one person

  • Brandon realizing that you have no control over your future as a regular employee and it started him thinking about getting moving with his own business

  • His software for organizing piano lessons was what led to his business

  • How he got his first sale and realized this could be a successful business

  • How Brandon considered making this a full-time venture and that inflection point where he took the leap

  • Did Brandon contemplate not going full time with his software or was this a slam dunk decision?

  • The value of hiring from inside your own community to find someone who is passionate and knowledgeable

  • How Brandon wouldn’t be happier or more fulfilled with more ‘stuff’

  • Was the plan for this to be a ‘lifestyle business’ originally?

  • They replaced a focus on stuff with a focus on growth, travel and service

  • Their six week “test trip” to Panama as a family

  • Looking at life through your children’s eyes

  • How difficult it was to replicate this experience in the United States

  • Travel as one of the biggest catalysts for growth

  • How liberating it was to not have any of their stuff on the trip to Panama

  • Their first long-term trip was to Costa Rica and they were there for 1.5 years where their daughter was born

  • How do you find a community when travelling abroad?

  • Their current location in San Miguel de Allende in Mexico and how close the community is there

  • Schooling types: Homeschooling, world schooling and un-schooling and an explanation

  • They follow an interest-led learning approach with their children to inspire the love of learning

  • What do you tell someone who is afraid to take the leap to family travel?

  • Slow travel has the ability to be transformative and immersive

  • Questions about safety and health care in foreign countries

  • A discussion of health care in the countries Brandon has lived in and how inexpensive it is

  • Brandon’s time tracking experiment

  • The 1st annual Family Adventure Summit

  • Documentary: Into the Wind about families travelling the world

  • Hot Seat Questions

Listen to Brad and Jonathan's thoughts about this episode here.

Links from the show:

Books Mentioned in the Show: