featured image for podcast episodeMake the Impossible Possible

Make the Impossible Possible
Episode 111R

Posted by Choose FI

Episode Guide

Episode Summary:

Exploring the concept of making the impossible possible, listeners are introduced to inspiring ideas around grit, setting goals, and the impact of community on financial independence. The hosts discuss a viral video depicting a father learning gymnastics alongside his daughter, highlighting how commitment and perseverance can lead to personal growth. Guest Jillian from Montana Money Adventures shares insights on creating a roadmap to a fulfilling life by focusing on values, intentional living, and recognizing one's superpower. This episode emphasizes the importance of mindset in overcoming challenges, setting actionable goals, and surrounding oneself with positive influences to foster success.

Episode Timestamps

ChooseFI Podcast Episode Show Notes

Episode Title: Making the Impossible Possible

Episode Summary:
Exploring the concept of making the impossible possible, Brad and Jonathan share an inspiring story of a father learning gymnastics to bond with his daughter. They connect this narrative to the importance of grit and the power of belief in achieving financial independence. Featuring insights from Billy, a guest who transformed his life after imprisonment, the episode emphasizes the significance of surrounding oneself with a positive community and setting achievable goals. The discussion highlights how mindset can overcome limiting beliefs, encouraging listeners to embrace their journey to financial independence. The episode also introduces Jillian from Montana Money Adventures, who discusses creating a roadmap for success by focusing on personal values and intentional living.

Key Topics Discussed:

  • ** Podcast Intro:

  • The Gymnastics Story : Brad shares a touching story about a father who learns gymnastics to bond with his daughter, illustrating the power of perseverance and grit.

  • Mindset and Grit : The discussion emphasizes shifting one's mindset to view challenges as achievable goals rather than obstacles.

  • Billy's Transformation : Insights from Billy’s path from imprisonment to financial independence, focusing on personal growth and community support.

  • Community and Support : Exploring the importance of surrounding oneself with positive influences and a supportive community in achieving financial goals.

  • Introducing Jillian : Jillian from Montana Money Adventures discusses creating a roadmap for financial and personal success, focusing on core values and intentional living.

Actionable Takeaways:

  • Identify and reframe limiting beliefs that hold you back from pursuing your goals.
  • Create a personalized roadmap for your life by reflecting on your core values and desired lifestyle.
  • Surround yourself with like-minded individuals who encourage and support your financial journey.

Key Quotes:

  • "Setting your first goals is just the beginning; evolution is key!"
  • "Embrace your journey of success actively!"
  • "Surround yourself wisely; your circle defines you!"


  • How can I make the impossible possible?
    By shifting your mindset and applying grit to develop the skills you need. See timestamp for more.

  • What role does community play in financial independence?
    Being part of a positive community can provide support, encouragement, and new perspectives to help you succeed. Refer to timestamp .

  • What steps can I take to set achievable financial goals?
    Start by setting small, actionable goals and gradually expand them. Check timestamp for more insights.

Discussion Questions:

  • What are your limiting beliefs, and how can you challenge them?
  • How do you envision your life once you achieve financial independence?
  • Who are the five people you spend the most time with, and how do they influence you?

Action Items:

  • Visit ChooseFI.com/local to find a local FI community group.
  • Download Jillian's workbook for creating your financial roadmap at ChooseFI.com/intentional.

Podcast Description: Join Brad and Jonathan as they discuss how to make the impossible possible and share transformational stories from their community. Featuring insights from Jillian, learn how to create a purposeful financial roadmap towards your ideal lifestyle.

Social Media Snippets:

  • "Evolution is key; your first goals aren’t your final destination!"
  • "Are you living your success daily?"
  • "Your circle defines your journey; choose wisely!"

** Podcast Extro:

You've been listening to ChooseFI Podcast, where we help middle-class America build wealth one life hack at a time.

Make the Impossible Possible: A Roadmap to Financial Independence

Achieving financial independence may seem like a daunting task, but it is possible with the right mindset and support system. Drawing from the inspiring stories shared in the ChooseFI podcast, let’s explore key strategies that can guide you on your journey to financial independence.

Embrace the Power of Grit

Grit is essential in the pursuit of financial independence. It is the perseverance and passion for long-term goals. To cultivate grit, you must first recognize your potential to achieve the seemingly impossible. Start by affirming to yourself, “I can learn and accomplish anything.”

  • Action Item: Write down one thing you've always wanted to learn or improve. Break that goal down into smaller parts and commit to regular practice, reminding yourself that improvement comes with persistence.

Shift Your Mindset

Mindset plays a pivotal role in transforming limiting beliefs into actionable steps. Instead of focusing on what you can’t do, shift your attention to what you can improve.

  • Quote: “Shift your mindset: Focus on small improvements instead of limits.”

  • Discussion Question: What limiting beliefs are holding you back? Consider how you can challenge those beliefs to pave the way for progress.

Surround Yourself with the Right Community

The people you associate with significantly influence your journey. The saying, “You’re the average of the five people you spend the most time with,” rings true in the pursuit of financial independence.

  • Action Item: Take a hard look at your current social circle. Do they inspire and encourage you toward your goals? If not, seek out a positive community through local FI groups or online platforms such as ChooseFI.

  • Quote: “Your circle defines your journey; choose wisely!”

Set and Evolve Your Goals

Setting clear, achievable goals is a fundamental step in your journey. Starting from where you are now, set small goals, and as you achieve them, evolve your targets to push further.

  • Quote: “Setting your first goals is just the beginning; evolution is key!”

  • Action Item: Create a trajectory of goals ranging from short-term to long-term. As you meet each goal, reassess and set new ones that align with your evolving aspirations.

Create a Life Roadmap

A structured plan can provide clarity and direction as you work toward financial independence. Artistically visualizing your roadmap can help clarify your aspirations and highlight the necessary steps to achieve them.

  • Tip: Spend time identifying your core values and what you want your life to look like at different stages. This can become a living document that evolves with you as your circumstances and desires change.

  • Action Item: Consider using post-it notes to brainstorm your “be, have, do” framework. This will allow you to organize your thoughts visually and refine your goals.

Focus on Your Values

Understanding what truly matters to you can guide your decisions and help align your financial practices with your sustainable happiness.

  • Quote: “Take as much time as you can, like that might be going to coffee with a friend or your spouse.”

Spend Time on Self-Reflection

Take the time to step away from your daily routine to engage in deeper thinking about your life aspirations. This could be as simple as spending a few hours at a café or a weekend retreat.

  • Action Item: Schedule regular intervals for self-reflection to assess your progress toward your goals, re-evaluate your priorities, and ensure your actions align with your values.

Balance Could, Should, and Want Lists

Creating lists can help you parse through your thoughts and desires. Categorizing your tasks into “could do,” “should do,” and “want to do” can provide clarity and reduce overwhelm.

  • Housekeeping Tip: Use these lists to prioritize tasks based on your motivation and genuine interest. Engaging in what you want to do will yield more gratifying and effective results.

Practice Delayed Gratification

Financial independence often requires sacrifices in the present for greater benefits in the future. Practice making hard choices today, knowing they will lead to a more rewarding lifestyle later.

  • Quote: “Easy choices, hard life; hard choices, easy life.”

Conclude with Action Steps

The journey to financial independence requires actionable strategies. Embrace the tenets of community support, resilience, and goal-setting to forge your path. By continuously improving your skills and remaining open to change, you’ll unlock the potential for the life you envision.

  • Final Action Item: Visit ChooseFI.com/local to find or start a local FI community group that can provide support and encouragement as you pursue your financial goals.

Start today—because the impossible is just a mindset away!

Jillian from Montana Money Adventures gives advice for laying out roadmap in your life, right after and Brad and Jonathan review Monday’s episode and highlight activities from several local groups around the globe.[elementor-template id="143609"]
  • Brad and Jonathan reflect on last week’s episode with Billy Banholzer.

  • Video Clip of the Week demonstrates grit persistence and the removal of limiting beliefs

  • A video inspires Brad to learn swimming from his daughter.

  • Your current behavior or mistake doesn’t have to define you for the rest of your life.

  • One of the first steps to Billy’s success was setting goals.

  • What are Brad’s suggestions for developing into a better writer?

  • Billy found ChooseFI while he was looking for a community of people who were pursuing the same things he wanted to pursue.

  • Getting started on the path to financial independence can be really hard at first, but it gets easier as you move further down the path.

  • Brad shares excitement about a local meet up and changes people are making locally.

  • Highlight reel of local group activities:

    • Combined Southern California and San Diego groups have a sold-out meeting where Jillian from Montana Money Adventures will speak.

    • The Nebraska local group is meeting every two months with specific topics.

    • A new group in The Netherlands has more than 20 members.

    • The local group in Portland, Ore., met every week in 2018.

    • A Northern Ireland local group doubled its membership in the past month.

    • Alex, an admin from the Baltimore group, is setting up mastermind groups.

  • Jillian, from Episode 84, talks about building a life roadmap:

    • Focusing on your values is the first step to building a better life.

    • How did Jillian and her husband create space to talk about their values and what they wanted their life to look like?

    • Be. Have. Do.

    • Jillian uses sticky notes to brainstorm her ideas and organize her thoughts.

    • What is a Quit List?

    • How does Jillian consider seasons of life?

    • Each person’s superpower includes:

      • What you’re passionate about.

      • What you’re naturally good at.

      • What activities you get caught up in and find really fun.

    • Brad talks about listening to where there’s resistance in your life.

    • Could. Should. Want.

    • Writing down your thoughts helps clarify and anchor them.

    • Tickets for Chautauqua 2019 will go on sale soon.

  Links: Video Clip of Dad learning gymnasticsChooseFI Local GroupsJillian’s workbookMontana Money AdventuresFI Chautauqua