featured image for podcast episodeNaseema Financially Intentional | How I paid Off 1 Million In Debt

Naseema Financially Intentional | How I paid Off 1 Million In Debt
Episode 112

Posted by Choose FI

Episode Guide

Episode Summary:

Nasima's journey reveals the profound impact of mindset on financial well-being. She successfully paid off a million dollars in debt over two years, highlighting the behavioral changes necessary for financial freedom. Initially burdened by student loans and housing expenses, her realization of living paycheck to paycheck on a six-figure salary prompted a transformation. By meticulously tracking her spending and adopting zero-based budgeting, Nasima discovered she could shift thousands towards debt repayment each month. Her story underscores the importance of understanding financial decisions beyond mere numbers, emphasizing that lifestyle inflation often contradicts the path to independence. With newfound financial control, she has pivoted towards a fulfilling life that includes family time and financial education for others through her blog and community.

Episode Timestamps

ChooseFI Podcast Episode Show Notes

Episode Title: Naseema's Journey: From a Million Dollars in Debt to Financial Freedom

Episode Summary:

Nasima from financiallyintentional.com shares her incredible journey of paying off a million dollars in debt in just two years. Through a combination of mindset shifts, intentional choices, and financial education, she reveals how she transformed her finances while navigating the challenges of a high-income, paycheck-to-paycheck lifestyle.

Key Topics Discussed:

  • Introduction to Nasima's Story

    • Nasima introduces herself and her background.
  • Understanding the Debt Situation

    • Nasima discusses her awareness of her accumulating debt and misconceptions about what constituted debt.
  • The Awakening Moment

    • After listening to stories of others paying off debt, Nasima realizes she can change her financial situation.
  • Implementing Zero-Based Budgeting

    • Nasima shares her journey in utilizing zero-based budgeting to track every dollar.
  • Selling the McMansion

    • The decision to downsize her home to regain financial control.
  • Finding Freedom Post-Debt

    • How paying off her debt has allowed her to focus on family and financial education.
  • Hot Seat Questions

    • Rapid fire questions to Nasima about her preferences in finance and her journey.

Key Insights & Actionable Takeaways:

  • Lifestyle Inflation Awareness:

    • Be mindful of how lifestyle grows with income; control it to prevent financial stress.
  • Zero-Based Budgeting:

    • Allocate every dollar a purpose and track where it's going to uncover wasteful spending.
  • Mindset Shifts:

    • Emphasizing the significance of changing perceptions around money and debt.
  • Finding Cash Flow:

    • Consistently tracking expenses can reveal opportunities to divert funds toward paying off debts.
  • Community and Support:

    • Seek out communities and resources that can help guide your financial decisions.

Key Quotes:

  • "Despite my high income, I found myself deeply in debt and feeling broke."
  • "I've gained the freedom to choose, thanks to my financial decisions."
  • "Every dollar starts working for my financial goals."
  • "Shifting our mindset is crucial to understanding finance."
  • "We all deserve wealth, and achieving it can be straightforward."

Discussion Questions:

  • What financial beliefs did you grow up with, and how have they changed?
  • How did lifestyle choices influence your financial situation?
  • What budgeting strategies can help you gain control over your finances?

Action Items:

  • Start tracking your expenses meticulously to identify patterns in your spending.
  • Implement zero-based budgeting for better financial control.


Join Brad and Jonathan as they explore Naseema's inspiring story of overcoming a million dollars in debt and her journey toward financial independence. Learn actionable tips and mindset shifts that can transform your financial life.

Episode Mentions:

  • Episode /100: Starting Your FI Journey
  • Episode /013: Understanding Debt and Wealth

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Podcast Extro: You've been listening to ChooseFI Podcast, where we help middle-class America build wealth one life hack at a time.

Transform Your Financial Life: Lessons from Naseema's Journey

In a world where financial education often takes a backseat, Naseema's story stands as a powerful illustration of the transformative journey toward financial independence. She managed to pay off an astonishing million dollars in debt within just two years, carving a path toward profound financial freedom and empowerment. Let’s delve into actionable lessons inspired by her experience.

Understand Your Financial Situation

Before embarking on any financial transformation, it is crucial to fully understand your current situation. Begin by assessing where you stand financially.

  • Create a Comprehensive Overview: List all your debts, including student loans, mortgages, and credit cards. Recognize each type of debt and understand the interest rates. This holistic view is essential.
  • Assess Income vs. Expenses: Track your income sources alongside your expenditures to identify areas of overspending. Utilize budgeting tools like spreadsheets or apps to simplify this task.

Naseema understood her financial landscape but felt trapped by her debts. Her initial realization that living paycheck to paycheck, despite earning over $200,000 a year, was a critical turning point in her story.

The Mindset Shift

A major hurdle for many in achieving financial independence is their mindset. Naseema had to transition from viewing debt as a norm to seeing it as a barrier to freedom.

  • Adopt a New Financial Philosophy: Recognize that accumulating wealth isn't solely about earning more; it is about managing your lifestyle and financial habits. Shift your perspective on money—view it as a tool for creating opportunities rather than just a means to fulfill immediate desires.
  • Seek Inspiration and Guidance: Find role models or sources of inspiration, like podcasts or financial blogs, that resonate with your financial goals. Naseema found motivation in Dave Ramsey’s stories, which provided the impetus she needed to take action.

Implement Zero-Based Budgeting

One of the cornerstone techniques that Naseema employed to regain control over her finances was zero-based budgeting—a method that assigns every dollar of your income a specific purpose.

  • Project Your Monthly Income: Start by estimating your income for the month ahead. Every dollar should have a designated task, whether it’s for savings, paying off debt, or daily expenses.
  • Track Every Dollar: With a zero-based budget, every dollar is accounted for. You may utilize apps like EveryDollar or spreadsheets to monitor your spending meticulously. Naseema discovered hidden cash flow by being diligent about tracking every expense.
  • Adjust Regularly: Your budget isn't static; decide what works best and adjust accordingly. A zero-based budget allows flexibility—if unforeseen expenses arise, know where you can pull funds from without compromising your financial goals.

Curb Lifestyle Inflation

Once you begin earning more, it might be tempting to elevate your lifestyle to match your income. This phenomenon, known as lifestyle inflation, can severely impact your ability to save and invest.

  • Reassess Your Needs: Just because you can afford a larger house or luxury items doesn't mean you should purchase them. Evaluate what you genuinely need. Naseema downsized from a massive home and opted for a more manageable living space, freeing up significant funds for debt repayment.
  • Prioritize Financial Goals: Set tangible financial goals and align your spending with these. This means making sacrifices in the short term for long-term gains. Naseema had a keen focus on paying off her debt, which brought her immense satisfaction and encouragement.

Discover the Power of Intentional Choices

Every decision you make financially can propel you closer to or further from your goals. Naseema’s journey was riddled with intentional choices that lifted her from overwhelming debt to freedom.

  • Create a Decision Framework: Before making significant purchases, consider how they align with your financial goals. Ask questions like, “Will this bring me closer to financial independence?” or “How will this impact my budget?”
  • Seek Value Over Cost: Focus on purchasing items or services that genuinely add value to your life rather than falling into the trap of consumerism. Naseema's conscious choice to spend on necessities rather than luxuries was central to her debt repayment journey.

Build a Support Network

As you journey towards financial independence, surrounding yourself with like-minded individuals can have a profound impact on your progress.

  • Engage with Communities: Join online forums, social media groups, or local meetups where members share similar financial goals. Naseema turned to a Facebook group to share her journey and connect with others, which fostered accountability and support.
  • Share Your Goals: Be open about your intentions to improve your financial situation with friends and family. This openness can lead to invaluable support and resources you might not have otherwise accessed.

Stay Committed and Learn Continuously

The journey towards financial independence is not a sprint but a marathon. Staying committed to your financial goals requires ongoing learning and adjustment.

  • Embrace Continuous Education: Financial landscapes shift and evolve; stay informed by consuming personal finance literature, podcasts, and workshops.
  • Celebrate Milestones: Acknowledge and celebrate your achievements along the way, no matter how small. Naseema celebrated significant milestones as she paid down her debt, which fueled her motivation.


Naseema's story of transformation from struggling under a weight of debt to achieving financial independence showcases the power of mindset, intentional budgeting, and support systems. Her journey provides actionable insights into how anyone can reclaim their financial freedom—regardless of their current situation.

Take these lessons to heart and start implementing them today. Recognize that financial independence is not just a destination; it’s a journey that begins with the choices you make and the mindset you cultivate.

Naseema McElroy, a registered and practicing nurse and blogger at Financially Intentional, explains how to accumulate $1 million in debt, and how she earned her freedom through financial independence. [elementor-template id="143609"]
  • How does someone accumulate $1 million of debt?
  • Naseema is from West Oakland, Ca., where she was taught to either join the military or go to college.
  • She attended the University of Southern California for both her undergraduate and graduate degree, then later completed an accelerated nursing certification program at the University of California in San Francisco.
  • Floor nurses where Naseema works earn above $200,000.
  • How could Naseema have been significantly more efficient with her college education?
  • Many nurses have two jobs: Naseema works part time with benefits (three eight-hour shifts), and a per diem job (two 12-hour shifts) without benefits, at a higher pay rate.
  • Even after finishing her education and working full time, Naseema accumulated more than $1 million in debt, and was living paycheck to paycheck.
  • Most of her debt was student loans and Bay-Area mortgage costs.
  • What inspired Naseema to move from a 5002ft apartment closer to the city into a 40002ft home in the suburbs?
  • Even with the house and the car and the seemingly perfect set up, Naseema did not feel secure, and even owed her family money.
  • Dave Ramsey set Naseema on the course to pay off her debt.
  • What was her first step?
  • Once Naseema began tracking her expenses, she was an early user of Dave Ramsey’s Every Dollar app.
  • A zero-base budget is projecting how much you’ll earn and set aside how much is intended for paying off debt, then adjust the remaining numbers to reflect other obligations and other adjustable expenses.
  • What inspired Naseema to begin blogging at Financially Intentional?
  • Before Naseema sold her suburban house, she had already paid $300k of debt.
  • Naseema chose to leave one of her jobs when it became an unhealthy environment, because living debt-free gave her the room in her budget to do so.
  • Currently, Naseema has moved out of the Bay Area and commutes back into the city 6 days a month for work.
  • Building wealth is a mindset. You have everything it takes to be successful.
  Links: Financially Intentional The Stock Series https://www.choosefi.com/112-naseema-financially-intentional-how-i-paid-off-1-million-in-debt/