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Poverty, Divorce and FI by 43 | Bonnie Truax
Episode 115

Posted by Choose FI

Episode Guide

Episode Summary:

Bonnie's journey to financial independence illustrates that it\u2019s possible to build wealth regardless of income level. Growing up in a low-income environment, she learned valuable financial lessons from her debt-free parents, emphasizing hard work and saving. Bonnie undertook various side hustles, including wedding cake making and home repair, to fund her education without debt. After marrying, she faced significant financial challenges due to her husband's undisclosed debt, requiring her to take control of their finances and eventually transition to a frugal lifestyle. After their marriage ended, Bonnie rebuilt her life, learned new skills in IT, and partnered with her now-husband, Trinity, to achieve financial independence through careful saving and rental property investments. Their 75% savings rate and well-managed investments allowed them to retire early and travel the world, demonstrating that financial literacy, smart choices, and teamwork can redefine one's financial destiny.

Episode Timestamps

Embracing Financial Independence: Lessons from Bonnie's Journey

Achieving financial independence is a journey that can inspire and transform lives. Bonnie's story is a testament to the power of determination, resourcefulness, and financial literacy. Her journey from a financially constrained childhood to a life of freedom through prudent financial choices offers valuable lessons for anyone looking to secure their financial future.

The Foundation of Financial Literacy

Bonnie's upbringing, marked by financial constraints, instilled in her an early understanding of the importance of managing money wisely. Growing up in a household earning less than half the poverty level, she learned that wealth is not solely defined by income but by mindset and choices.

  • Take Action: Start small by educating yourself on financial literacy. Read books, listen to podcasts, or take online courses on personal finance to build your knowledge.

The Importance of a Resourceful Mindset

From a young age, Bonnie honed her resourcefulness by taking on various side hustles, from mowing lawns to making wedding cakes. Her endeavors were not just about earning money; they were about learning the value of hard work and saving.

  • Actionable Tip: Identify your skills and interests and explore side hustles that can supplement your income. Platforms like Etsy, Upwork, or even local community boards can be great places to start.

Overcoming Debt: A Key to Financial Independence

One of Bonnie's significant challenges came in her first marriage, where she faced financial infidelity and spiraled into debt. The most profound lesson from this experience is that overcoming debt is often the most challenging part of the journey to financial independence, but it is also the most critical.

Strategies to Tackle Debt

  1. Create a Budget: Start by tracking your income and expenses. Use spreadsheets or budgeting apps to get a clear picture of your finances. Bonnie began with a simple pen and paper, illustrating that you don't need complex systems to start.

  2. Prioritize High-Interest Debt: Focus on paying off debts with the highest interest rates first. Bonnie did this by listing her debts and forming a plan to chip away at them methodically.

  3. Avoid New Debt: While repaying existing debt, limit the use of credit cards. Bonnie used balance transfer offers strategically to manage her obligations while keeping her credit card usage in check.

  4. Seek Support: Engage with financial advisors or support groups. Bonnie underscored the importance of seeking help when faced with financial struggles.

  • Next Steps: If you're currently facing debt, take a proactive approach by evaluating your financial situation and forming a plan to pay it down. Set clear, achievable goals.

Building a Healthy Relationship with Money

A critical aspect of Bonnie's story is the evolution of her relationships, particularly her current marriage, which is rooted in shared financial values. Open communication about finances is essential to avoid misunderstandings that can lead to conflict.

  • Pro Tip: If you're in a relationship, discuss financial goals with your partner. Engage in open dialogues about spending habits, saving strategies, and future aspirations to ensure you are on the same page.

Emphasizing Minimalism and Freedom

Throughout her journey, Bonnie has embraced minimalism, understanding that true wealth is not in possessions but in experiences and freedom. This philosophy has allowed her to live comfortably while significantly reducing her expenses, leading to impressive savings rates.

Steps to Embrace Minimalism

  1. Declutter Your Life: Evaluate your belongings and identify items that no longer serve you. Selling unnecessary items can also generate additional income.

  2. Automate Savings: Make saving easier by setting up automatic transfers to your savings or investment accounts. This strategy helps you live within your means while continuously building wealth.

  3. Say No to Lifestyle Inflation: Avoid the trap of upgrading your lifestyle with every raise or promotion. Instead, channel those increases into savings or investments.

  • Call to Action: Assess your current lifestyle and identify areas where you can simplify or cut back. Every little change adds up to significant savings over time.

The Value of Delayed Gratification

Bonnie's success exemplifies the importance of delayed gratification—making sacrifices today for the promise of future rewards. Whether it's buying less or saving for more significant purchases, understanding this principle is foundational to achieving financial independence.

  • Implementing Delayed Gratification: When faced with a purchase, ask yourself if it aligns with your long-term financial goals. Consider waiting a few days before making a decision to evaluate if the purchase is necessary.

The Power of Investing in Yourself

Bonnie’s journey saw her continuously learning and growing, from mastering Excel in her job to leveraging YouTube to learn home renovation skills as she invested in rental properties. Investing in yourself is crucial for building a robust financial foundation.

  • Action Plan: Commit to lifelong learning. Attend workshops, enroll in courses, or cultivate skills that enhance both your career and personal growth.

Achieving Financial Independence

After years of hard work, smart saving, and wise investing, Bonnie reached financial independence, allowing her and her husband to travel the world without the constraints of traditional employment.

  • Taking the Leap: Once you’ve established a solid financial base and built up your savings, consider evaluating your job satisfaction and lifestyle. If you’re not fulfilled in your career, think about transitioning to a life aligned with your passions and interests.

Conclusion: Your Journey to Financial Freedom Awaits

Bonnie's story reveals that no matter your starting point, financial independence is achievable. By fostering a resourceful mindset, embracing minimalism, tackling debt head-on, and investing in yourself, you too can carve out a path to true financial freedom.

Begin your journey today—evaluate your financial situation, set clear goals, and take actionable steps towards achieving financial independence. Remember, it’s never too late to make tomorrow better.

Bonnie Truax, a blogger and early retiree, shares her story of growing up below the poverty line, scraping her way out of inherited debt, reaching financial independence without knowing what it was, and understanding how to talk about money with your spouse. [elementor-template id="143609"]
  • Bonnie grew up with family income that was technically half of the poverty level, but always debt free.
  • In a town of only 35 people, W2 jobs were hard to come by, so Bonnie worked any odd job that she could find – mowing lawns, decorating cakes, roofing.
  • What did Bonnie do with the income from her side hustles?
  • Bonnie got married shortly after college and inherited significant debt.
  • The first step to getting out of that debt, was learning spreadsheets and prioritizing which debt she would tackle first.
  • Bonnie was managing thousands of dollars of debt and got back to broke, even as her spouse was actively spending and maxing out credit cards.
  • What is Bonnie’s financial advice for people before they get married?
  • Financial literacy isn’t distributed evenly throughout the country – not everyone understands how to manage finances.
  • Not everyone is comfortable talking about money, even with their spouse. If Bonnie could do it again, she would start by talking about fears associated with money.
  • When Bonnie started over she was 30, earning about $25k.
  • Bonnie learned IT with her free time at a reporting job, eventually becoming the manager of an IT team.
  • Before she got remarried, Bonnie and Trin had become very close friends at work and had already talked about finances, so she was confident about their joint approach to money as a couple.
  • Trouble doesn’t have to be a disaster.
  • Getting out of debt on a low income is possible – you shouldn’t have to eat rice and beans your whole life, but if you’re getting out of debt, you might have to them for a while.
  • Bonnie and her husband automated their finances and didn’t give much attention them; they found a comfortable way to live regardless of their increasing incomes.
  • Bonnie didn’t plan to retire, but when work became toxic, their savings gave them the freedom to leave work.
  • Instead of just leaving money in their savings account, Bonnie and her husband began purchasing foreclosed home and renting them out.
  • Without a knowledge of the financial independence community, how did Bonnie determine that she and her husband were financially ready to leave their jobs to retire?
  • Bonnie and Trin are traveling the world for a few years before they decide where to retire abroad.
  • It’s never too late to make tomorrow better.
  • Anything that comes into Bonnie’s blog goes to support a safehouse in Ecuador.
  • Fear of missing out is just an excuse; you are always choosing what you miss out on.
  Links mentioned in today's show: 43BlueDoors.com JillOutside.com “Financial Independence Without Ever Writing a Budget” – 43BlueDoors.com Poverty, Divorce and FI by 43