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Trip of a Lifestyle to All US National Parks
Episode 226

Posted by Choose FI

Episode Guide

Episode Summary:

Steven and Lauren, a young couple, share their incredible journey of achieving financial independence while navigating low-income salaries as teachers. They saved over $100,000 within two years by following a frugal lifestyle and maintaining a relentless focus on their financial goals. Through side hustles like photography and utilizing travel rewards, they managed to enjoy vacations while keeping expenses low. Their approach led them to spend six months in Hawaii without drawing from their savings, highlighting how a mindset shift regarding finances can lead to significant wealth-building opportunities. They emphasize the importance of tracking net worth, making conscious financial choices, and not succumbing to societal pressures around spending on lifestyle upgrades, all while cultivating a mindset centered on freedom and adventure.

Episode Timestamps

ChooseFI Episode Show Notes

Episode Summary

In this episode, hosts Jonathan Mendonsa and Brad Barrett welcome Steven and Lauren, a young couple who achieved remarkable financial independence while earning modest salaries as teachers. They discuss how they saved over $100,000 in just two years, generally living on a tight budget while embarking on adventurous side hustles, including photography. Their journey also led them to spend six months in Hawaii for practically free, leveraging travel rewards and a frugal lifestyle.

Key Takeaways

  • Frugal Living: Steven and Lauren maintain a frugal lifestyle reminiscent of their college days, focusing on saving money to gain financial freedom.

    • Maintaining a college lifestyle can simplify financial growth.
  • Dramatic Savings: They managed to save over $100,000 by living modestly and pursuing side hustles while managing about $20,000 - $22,000 in annual expenses.

    • You can save big even on a modest income!
  • Tracking Progress: Regularly tracking their net worth kept them motivated and focused on their financial goals.

    • Keep track of your net worth to stay motivated!
  • Adventurous Travel: They spent six months living in Hawaii for $0, demonstrating the effectiveness of strategic planning and exploring opportunities to work part-time.

    • Achieving a $0 honeymoon in Hawaii was our goal.
  • Side Hustles: Engaging in photography and travel rewards significantly boosted their income and allowed for enjoyable experiences without financial strain.

  • Setting Goals Together: Engaging in joint goal-setting activities, like improving as photographers while visiting national parks, enhanced their relationship and enjoyment of life.

    • Goal-setting enhances both adventures and skills.

Timestamps & Chapter Markers

  • Introduction to Steven and Lauren's Journey
  • The Starting Salaries and Savings
  • How They Saved $100,000
  • Strategies for Saving Money on Teacher Salaries
  • Living in Hawaii for $0
  • The National Parks Adventure

Frequently Asked Questions

  1. How did Steven and Lauren save so much money on teacher salaries?

    • They maintained a stringent budget and took on side hustles, resulting in total annual expenses between $20,000 to $22,000.
  2. What was their financial strategy for the Hawaii trip?

    • They minimized costs while living and working part-time in Hawaii over six months.
  3. What was the impact of tracking net worth on their savings?

    • Tracking net worth kept them motivated and encouraged them to save more each month.

Action Items

  • Start tracking your net worth this month.
  • Evaluate current living expenses and find areas to cut costs.


  • "Embracing a mindset shift leads to greater financial clarity."
  • "Tracking net worth builds encouragement in financial progress."
  • "Stay frugal by avoiding unnecessary purchases!"


This episode of ChooseFI provides valuable insights into how a frugal lifestyle, effective planning, and the right mindset can lead to significant savings and ultimately financial independence. Steven and Lauren prove that with determination and creativity, one can achieve financial freedom on modest salaries.

Thank you for listening to ChooseFI Podcast, where we help middle-class America build wealth one life hack at a time.

Achieving Financial Independence Through Frugal Living

In today's world, the pursuit of financial independence is more attainable than ever, especially with the right mindset and a strategic approach to saving and spending. Steven and Lauren's journey as teachers demonstrates how a frugal lifestyle, conscious financial choices, and a couple of side hustles can lead to remarkable financial freedom.

Embrace a Mindset Shift

Achieving financial independence begins with altering your mindset about money. Steven and Lauren's experience highlights the importance of recognizing that spending less can lead to greater freedom. This mindset shift can encourage you to prioritize saving and investing over unnecessary purchases.

  • Action Item: Reflect on your financial goals and consciously choose to make purchases that align with those goals.

Track Your Progress

Regularly monitoring your net worth can provide encouragement and motivation. As highlighted by Steven and Lauren, tracking your financial progress keeps you engaged in your journey towards financial independence.

  • Takeaway: Make it a habit to check your net worth monthly. Observe your progress and celebrate small victories, which can help reinforce positive financial behaviors.

Live Below Your Means

Achieving financial independence often requires living below your means. Steven and Lauren maintained a low-cost lifestyle by keeping their total annual expenses between $20,000 and $22,000 despite their modest salaries. By avoiding lifestyle inflation, they made significant strides toward their savings goals.

  • Recommendation: Review your current expenses and identify areas where you can cut costs. Even small changes can accumulate over time.

Side Hustles that Fit Your Skills

Side hustles can dramatically increase your income potential. Steven and Lauren explored various income-generating activities, including photography and tutoring. Their side hustles not only boosted their income but also offered opportunities to pursue their passions.

  • Action Item: Identify your own skills and interests. Consider how you can leverage them into a side hustle and begin taking action today.

Travel Rewards for Exploration

Traveling doesn't have to explode your budget. By employing travel rewards, you can fund incredible adventures without drastically increasing your expenses. Steven and Lauren maximized credit card bonuses and cash-back opportunities to make their trip to Hawaii feasible without substantial costs.

  • Takeaway: Research and sign up for travel rewards credit cards to take advantage of sign-up bonuses, points, and rewards while managing your expenses.

Prioritize Experiences Over Things

Experiences often yield greater happiness than material possessions. Steven and Lauren’s decision to spend their honeymoon exploring Hawaii instead of indulging in luxurious accommodations demonstrates how meaningful experiences can be more fulfilling than extravagant purchases.

  • Recommendation: Commit to prioritizing experiences over things. Plan activities that align with your values and desires for memorable moments.

Create Financial Goals Together

Partnership in financial planning strengthens relationships. Steven and Lauren worked together toward common goals, visualizing their progress along the way. This teamwork aspect contributed significantly to their success.

  • Action Item: Have regular discussions with your partner about financial goals. Establish shared targets and create a collaborative plan to reach them.

Use Frugality to Your Advantage

Frugality can often enhance your quality of life while promoting savings. By adopting a college-style lifestyle, Steven and Lauren maintained their previous spending habits, which were focused on adventure rather than material goods. This frugality led to increased security and freedom.

  • Takeaway: Examine how you can scale back on unnecessary expenses. Strive for a minimalistic approach and assess what truly brings you joy.

Cashflow Travel Adventures

Traveling doesn't have to drain your savings. During their trip to Hawaii, Steven and Lauren utilized their savings from previous years while simultaneously generating income through side gigs. This approach allowed them to explore new places without sacrificing their financial health.

  • Advice: Plan long-term trips and think outside the box regarding income generation while abroad. Consider remote work options or local contract jobs to maintain financial stability.

Continuous Learning and Adaptation

Your financial journey will involve lessons learned along the way. Steven and Lauren learned not only about investing and saving but also how to pivot their approach as circumstances changed, allowing them to maximize their resources effectively.

  • Action Item: Embrace a learning mindset. Seek out financial literacy resources and continuously evaluate your strategies based on personal experiences or changing circumstances.

Find Your Community

Joining a community of like-minded individuals can provide support and accountability. Steven and Lauren connected with a network that shared their aspirations and goals, fostering personal growth and encouragement in their financial journey.

  • Recommendation: Surround yourself with people who inspire and support your financial independence goals. Consider joining local groups, online communities, or forums related to personal finance.

Conclusion: Your Path to Financial Freedom

Achieving financial independence is within reach for anyone willing to embrace a frugal lifestyle, actively track their goals, and collaborate with their partner. Steven and Lauren's story serves as a testament to the power of financial clarity and adventure-seeking without compromising financial security.

By applying these principles, you too can embark on your journey toward financial freedom. Start by making small adjustments today and build momentum toward a future full of opportunities.

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Lauren and Steven Keys

What You'll Get Out Of Today's Show

  • Steven and Lauren saved $100,000 in two years on entry-level salaries. Through a continuation of their college lifestyle, they were able to keep their expenses low and grow their savings quickly.
  • After building a substantial amount of savings, they decided to take a six-month honeymoon to Hawaii. Although they did work just enough to cover their expenses, they did not deplete their nest egg.
  • For a few years, the couple continued to save their larger incomes. But eventually, they decided to take another break. This time they decided to visit all of the national parks in the United States over the course of several months.
  • Throughout their journey, the couple has enjoyed working together towards shared goals. With goals in their life, they feel like a happier team that is challenging themselves every day.

**Correction** In the interview, Steven and Lauren mentioned their expenses in college were $300 per month when they should have said $300 per week.

Resources Mentioned In Today's Conversation