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FI 101| Expense Ratios and House Hacking
Episode 148R

Posted by Choose FI

Episode Guide

Episode Summary:

Key insights into financial independence and the importance of understanding expense ratios are discussed. Emphasis is placed on how small fees can accumulate over time, significantly impacting investment returns. In a detailed analysis, listeners learn that actively managed mutual funds often underperform due to high fees, underscoring the benefits of low-cost index funds. The hosts also touch on house hacking and share inspiring stories on leveraging real estate for financial success. The conversation highlights the connection between education, mentorship, and financial literacy in overcoming economic challenges. Tools like the new FI 101 course and the House Hacking Strategy book are introduced as practical resources for those seeking financial independence.

Episode Timestamps

Unlocking Financial Independence: Strategies and Insights

Achieving financial independence requires a blend of knowledge, strategic planning, and execution. In this article, we will explore transformative strategies for financial growth, highlighting essential practices such as house hacking, understanding expense ratios, and embracing the psychology of financial success. Here’s how to take actionable steps toward your financial freedom.

Mastering the Art of Expense Ratios

Understanding expense ratios is crucial for your investment decisions. An expense ratio is the annual fee that mutual funds or ETFs charge their shareholders, expressed as a percentage of average net assets. Lowering these fees can substantially impact your long-term returns.

Why Expense Ratios Matter

It's vital to comprehend how even a seemingly small percentage can affect your investments over time. For example, a 1% expense ratio might appear minor, but it can drastically reduce your savings in the long run if compounded yearly over decades. Consider investing in low-cost, index funds instead. These funds often carry expense ratios below 0.1%, maximizing your returns by minimizing costs.

Calculating the Impact

To illustrate the importance of expense ratios, let’s consider a scenario where you invest $100,000 initially, saving $1,000 monthly with an estimated market return of 9%. If you encounter an expense ratio of 1%, your projected total after 40 years could fall to $5.28 million, almost $2 million less than if you’d chosen a fund with a minimal expense ratio. Always strive for the lowest expense ratio to enhance your investment outcomes.

The Journey Through House Hacking

House hacking is a viable and powerful strategy for achieving financial independence. It involves purchasing a property, typically with a low down payment, living in part of it, and renting out the other units or rooms. This clever tactic allows you to cover mortgage costs, potentially living for free while generating wealth.

Getting Started With House Hacking

You can utilize government-backed loans that enable down payments as low as 3%. Consider properties with multiple units, such as duplexes or triplexes, which allow you to live in one while renting out the others. This strategy can lead to exponential gains in cash flow and equity.

Example of Cash Flow Analysis

Assume you buy a duplex for $300,000. With a 3% down payment, your out-of-pocket expense is just $9,000. If each unit rents for $1,500, your gross monthly income from rent is $3,000, often exceeding your mortgage payment. After factoring in potential vacancies, repairs, and other expenses, maintaining a buffer helps protect your investment.

Advantages Beyond Financial Gain

House hacking not only minimizes your largest living expense but also serves as an educational platform to learn about real estate management. As you gain experience, you become more comfortable with future investments, propelling you further along your path to financial independence.

Overcoming the Psychology of Poverty

Understanding the psychology of poverty is vital to reshaping your financial mindset. This mental framework, built from life experiences, can often lead to a fixed perspective that limits growth.

Transforming Struggle Into Strength

Everyone encounters struggles, but how you perceive and respond to these challenges defines your path. Instead of viewing struggles negatively, consider them opportunities for growth and connection. Embrace this mindset to develop resilience and motivate yourself to take action toward financial freedom.

Investing in Education

Education serves as a critical stepping stone toward overcoming financial instability. By investing in your education, whether through formal schooling or self-guided learning, you can enhance your skill set and improve your financial literacy. Seek resources like online courses, books, or mentorship programs to bridge the gap in your knowledge.

The Power of Mentorship

One of the greatest assets on your journey to financial independence is mentorship. Engaging with those who have successfully navigated their financial journeys can provide you with invaluable insights and knowledge.

How to Approach Potential Mentors

Identify individuals in your desired field who inspire you. Use genuine curiosity to build connections by asking them about their journey and insights. Many people are willing to share their experiences if approached sincerely. Establishing these relationships can open doors and create opportunities.

Building Your Financial Community

Surrounding yourself with a supportive community can significantly enhance your growth. Engaging with like-minded individuals who share your financial goals can provide encouragement, advice, and inspiration.

Joining Forums and Groups

Consider joining financial independence forums, local meet-ups, or online communities like those found on social media platforms. By sharing experiences, challenges, and successes, you can foster camaraderie and accountability among your peers.

Creating Action Items

To maximize your financial independence journey, establish specific action items. These could include researching potential investment properties, identifying educational resources, or reaching out to prospective mentors. These tangible steps help navigate your path efficiently and effectively.


Achieving financial independence is not merely a dream; it is a practical goal that can be accomplished through strategic planning and execution. By mastering the importance of expense ratios, leveraging house hacking strategies, and reshaping your mindset, you can build a robust foundation for financial freedom. Remember, embracing education and mentorship will empower you on this journey. Commit to your financial growth and watch how it transforms your life.

House hacking, takeaways from this week's episode with Andréa Motenko, and the tenents of FI.

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ChooseFI: Your Blueprint To Financial Independence

Our book, ChooseFI: Your Blueprint to Financial Independence, launched this week. The plan has taken all of the information from our podcasts and turned it into a linear path to FI. Overall, the book aims to keep the tenents of FI at its core.

FI 101 Topic Of The Week: Expense Ratios

In addition to the book, we have also created a course that covers the basics of FI. FI 101 is a free course designed to help you achieve FI. Consider enrolling in the free course now.

One of the topics covered in the course is expense ratios. Over a 40 year period, a high expense ratio can decimate your investment returns. Over a long-term investment timeline, the goal shouldn't be to beat the market. Instead, the goal should be to keep pace with the market. If you choose an actively managed fund, you are essentially hoping to outperform the market. However, the number of people that can outperform the market is very small.


As Brad shared his own strategy, he also shared Warren Buffett's. Buffet plans for his estate to go into a low-cost S&P 500 index fund. A popular option in the FI community that is similar to this approach is VTSAX which is Vanguard Total Stock Market Index Fund. Instead of the top 500 companies, it includes all companies.

If you are trying to find the best option within your current 401k plan, then take a close look at the expense ratio. Find an index fund that mirrors the S&P 500 or the entire stock market. Avoid actively managed funds with higher expense ratios. By keeping pace with the market, you likely stand to gain as the market continues its growth.

Don't bet on a losing horse, bet on all of them instead.

The Struggle Of Poverty

This week's episode was an eye-opening look at the struggle of poverty. Opening ourselves up to each other's humanity is important.

Everyone has struggled and we can connect. Even if your struggle was very different from my struggle.

Talk to others with compassion and genuine curiosity. You can't know how someone else lives without being genuinely curious and asking questions.

FI is really for everyone, not just the privileged. However, we all start from a different place. Some start out with advantages. Many waste their advantages. Many capitalize on their opportunities. It is all about making the most of what you have available.

The grind, hustle, and grit learned in poverty can be harnessed to redirect the future. You can take the lessons learned and use them to move forward. Yes, you need some level of financial literacy but you already have the tenacity you need to succeed.

Andréa mentioned that education, skills, and mentorship were keys to success.

All of these have to do with increasing your zone of awareness. All of them have to do with somehow bringing new information into your life.

No matter what your situation is, remember that others are in your situation.

There is someone has it and has had it worse than you have it now. And found a way, found something, found some way to improve their situation to get remarkable results.

Continue to expand your zone of awareness and maximize the power of your strong mindset.

The more information I have, the wider my zone of awareness is, the more likely it is that luck’s gonna strike because I’ve kinda planned for it.

Listen to the full episode with Andrea here.


Let's celebrate a win!

Tiffany's Travel Rewards

Tiffany recently took the travel rewards course and was able to book an amazing vacation at a great price. She will be going to Aruba for four nights for a total of $181.10! All thanks to travel rewards points.

If you are interested in replicating her success, then consider taking the free ChooseFI Travel course. The course is designed to help you take your first trip with travel rewards.

House Hacking

Craig Curelop, author of The House Hacking Strategy: How To Use Your Home To Achieve Financial Freedom, came on the show to share his house hacking strategies.

At age 26, he is already almost FI based on his house hacking endeavors. That is after graduating with around $85,000 of student loans at age 22. House hacking came on his radar after deciding that he didn't like his job and started looking into financial independence.

So, what is house hacking and how does it fuel your FI journey?

You buy a 1 to 4 unit property for low percent down, typically 3 to 5% down. You live in one part. Either a room in a single family or a whole unit in a duplex, triplex, or quadplex and you rent out the other units or rooms such that the rent from the units or rooms fully covers your mortgage. And you are living for free, paying down your mortgage, the house is appreciating, and likely even cash flowing a little bit.

After living in the house for at least a year to ensure a low down payment, you can repeat the process. Over time that builds into a large cash flow. For Craig, it led to FI. He owns three houses that generate around $1,000/month. In total, they generate $36,000 in income for him after all of the expenses.

The book covers everything you need to get started house hacking. Join our house hacking cohort group here.

The Cities Of FI

We want to hear from you! Which domestic cities are most conducive to FI? Please take a minute to send in your favorite FI cities here.

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