featured image for podcast episodeFrom Blood Cancer To The Boston Marathon | Boyd Dunleavey

From Blood Cancer To The Boston Marathon | Boyd Dunleavey
Episode 394

Posted by Choose FI

Episode Guide

Episode Summary:

Boyd Dunleavy shares his inspirational journey of resilience, hope, and the power of community in overcoming cancer and achieving personal milestones. From humble beginnings in real estate to becoming a marathon champion, Boyd emphasizes the importance of making wise financial and life choices that yield benefits over time. He reflects on pivotal moments, including his diagnosis of acute myeloid leukemia and how his financial planning helped his family weather the storm. The episode highlights the significance of community support, with vibrant anecdotes of Boyd\u2019s experiences that energized his path to financial independence. Listeners will glean insights on optimizing life choices, the impact of mentorship in achieving financial freedom, and an invitation to contribute to vital causes such as stem cell donation.

Episode Timestamps

ChooseFI Podcast Episode Show Notes

Episode Title: Boyd Dunleavy: Resilience and Financial Independence

Episode Summary: Boyd Dunleavy shares his inspiring journey as a two-time blood cancer survivor and ten-time marathon runner. His story emphasizes the importance of making significant life choices that bear fruit over time. Boyd discusses crucial decisions he and his wife made years ago, including relocating to afford housing and shifting their financial strategy towards financial independence. He reflects on the challenges he faced during his cancer diagnosis and treatment, and how their financial preparedness allowed him to navigate the hardships. Boyd's resilient spirit shines through as he recounts executing his dream of running marathons, serving as a beacon of hope for others facing similar adversities. His connection to the FI community and the importance of surrounding oneself with a supportive network were also integral to his recovery and success.

Key Topics Discussed:

  • Introduction of Boyd Dunleavy

    • Overview of Boyd's background and his cancer journey.
  • Life Choices for Financial Independence

    • Importance of making informed financial choices early on.
  • First Cancer Diagnosis and Financial Impact

    • How Boyd's financial planning helped him manage his health crisis.
  • Running Marathons and Resilience

    • Boyd discusses his journey running ten marathons post-cancer.
  • Connecting with the FI Community

    • The significance of community support throughout Boyd's challenges.

Key Quotes:

  • "Real success is the ability to persist through failure with enthusiasm."
  • "What energy you project into the world is what you'll attract back."
  • "Managing credit wisely can save you significant amounts each month."
  • "Flexibility is crucial in adapting to life's challenges."
  • "Setting financial goals like becoming debt-free is essential for long-term success."

Actionable Takeaways:

  • Make informed financial choices for long-term benefits.
  • Join communities that support your personal growth.
  • Set clear financial goals and take actionable steps towards them.
  • Consider blood donation and register with BeTheMatch for community impact.


  • What inspired Boyd to run marathons?

    • Boyd's desire to overcome cancer and prove resilience motivated him to run marathons, showcasing his tenacity.
  • How did financial choices affect Boyd's cancer journey?

    • Thoughtful financial planning allowed Boyd and his family to manage the challenges during his treatment effectively.
  • What role does community play in recovery?

    • A supportive community can provide hope and encouragement during tough times, as demonstrated in Boyd's story.
  • What is Boyd's advice for others?

    • Surround yourself with positive influences and be open to hard choices that promote long-term wellness.
  • How do travel rewards fit into financial independence?

    • Using travel rewards effectively can enhance life experiences, allowing families to travel without incurring debt.

Related Resources:

Discussion Questions:

  • What lessons can we take from Boyd's financial choices?
  • In what ways can community support impact someone's health journey?
  • How can travel rewards enhance personal experiences?
  • What are the strategies for maintaining resilience during tough times?
  • How can we implement habits that lead to financial independence?

Podcast Links:

Social Media Snippets:

  • Find inspiration in Boyd's journey of overcoming cancer and running marathons! #Inspiration #Community
  • Embrace failures as stepping stones to success. #Motivation
  • Surround yourself with a supportive community and watch your life transform! #SupportSystem

Podcast Description: Join us as Boyd Dunleavy shares his remarkable journey of overcoming cancer and pursuing marathon running. His powerful story emphasizes the significance of financial independence, resilience, and the impact of community support in navigating life's challenges.

Transforming Adversity into Triumph: The Inspiring Journey of Boyd Dunleavy

Boyd Dunleavy's journey is one of resilience, hope, and the power of community. A two-time blood cancer survivor and ten-time marathon runner, Boyd's story is not just about overcoming health challenges but also about making profound life choices that lead to financial independence. Here, we delve into his remarkable experiences and the lessons we can extract to apply in our lives.

The Importance of Life Choices

Plan for the Future

Making informed financial choices can dramatically impact your future. Boyd and his wife made pivotal decisions that set them on a path toward financial independence. Examples include relocating to a city where housing was affordable and leveraging their home equity wisely. Reflect on your life's choices—what steps can you take today to secure a better tomorrow?

Diversify Your Income

Boyd transitioned from a bank employee to a mortgage broker, a choice driven by the desire for greater autonomy and financial potential. This pivot illustrates the significance of diversifying income streams. Consider what passions or skills you have that can provide additional income. It’s never too late to explore freelance work or side hustles that align with your interests.

Navigating Financial Challenges

Prepare for the Unexpected

Diagnosis with blood cancer was a direct blow to Boyd's life, yet it was their prior financial planning that allowed him to navigate these challenging times. Having a solid emergency fund and health insurance can save individuals from financial ruin when faced with unexpected health complications. Assess your financial preparedness—are you equipped to handle a medical emergency?

Embrace Debt-Free Living

Boyd stresses the importance of living below your means. By opting for a single vehicle and minimizing debt, they positioned themselves for success, especially when faced with his healthcare costs. Set clear financial goals, such as becoming debt-free, and take actionable steps towards them. Whether it’s cutting unnecessary expenses or consolidating debts, each move plays a vital role in achieving long-term success.

Building a Supportive Community

Connect with Like-Minded Individuals

Community support proved invaluable during Boyd's battle with cancer. Surrounding himself with uplifting individuals helped him maintain hope and motivation. Seek out communities that resonate with your values, whether online or in-person. Engaging with like-minded people can amplify your success and provide encouragement along the way.

Share Your Journey

By sharing his story, Boyd not only found healing for himself but inspired countless others. Consider how sharing your own experiences and insights could create a ripple effect of positivity in your community. Whether through social media, blogs, or local groups, your narrative could inspire someone facing similar struggles.

Cultivating Resilience

Mindset Over Matter

Adopting a positive mindset has guided Boyd through numerous life challenges. He emphasizes, "Success is the ability to persist through failure with enthusiasm." This mental resilience can be your strongest ally. Train yourself to view setbacks as opportunities for growth rather than insurmountable obstacles.

Set Health Goals

Boyd took his health into his own hands by not only focusing on recovery but also on physical fitness through marathon running. Set personal health goals that inspire you to move beyond your comfort zone. Whether it’s committing to a walking routine or aiming for a specific fitness challenge, every step contributes to your overall well-being.

Utilizing Travel Rewards for Financial Independence

Leverage Opportunities

Boyd utilized travel rewards effectively to create memorable family experiences without incurring debt. Investigate how you can capitalize on points and rewards programs from credit cards and airlines to reduce travel costs. Discover comprehensive guides on maximizing these rewards and consider how experiences can enrich your life while keeping finances intact.

Conclusion: Unlocking Your Path to Financial Independence

Boyd Dunleavy's story is a vibrant tapestry of resilience woven through the threads of community support, informed decision-making, and the proactive pursuit of health and financial independence. By embracing life’s challenges and fostering a positive mindset, you too can cultivate the strength and resources necessary to navigate obstacles and unlock your own path to financial freedom.

Explore your life choices, expand your community network, and take actionable steps towards managing your finances—because the seeds you plant today could lead to incredible outcomes tomorrow.

In this episode: resilience, making good choices, letting go of limiting beliefs, attracting the energy you put out, and winning at life!

What would you do if you were given a terminal cancer diagnosis? While it might not be the first thing that comes to mind, if you're able, the Boyd Dunleavey option is to develop a new positive outlook on life and the energy your omitting into the world, win your fight with cancer, and then proceed to run 11 marathons. Bad news comes to every single one of us, but how we process and handle that news is entirely up to us! Choose to handle it the right way, move forward with your life, and prioritize the things that matter to you. Despite what you may have been told, you have no idea where it could lead you ten years down the road!

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Boyd Dunleavey


  • 1:22 - Introduction
  • 2:49 - Choices Bearing Fruit/ Boyd's Backstory
  • 11:42 - Taking The Better Path
  • 20:04 - The News That Changed Everything
  • 24:36 - Resilience and Pivoting
  • 29:41 - You Could Be Someones Match
  • 34:20 - Attracting The Energy You Put Out
  • 39:16 - The Places Your Energy Can Take You
  • 47:27 - The Boston Marathon
  • 51:07 - It's a Choice to Make Good Choices/Ripple Effects
  • 58:40 - Goal Setting, Financial Resilience, and Winning at Life!
  • 68:34 - Let Go of Limiting Beliefs
  • 71:00 - Conclusion

Resources Mentioned In Today’s Episode