From Vision Board to Action: A FI Success Story | Rakesh
Episode 436

Episode Guide
Episode Timestamps
In this episode: getting comfortable investing, the vision boards, salary negotiations, and the skill of spending
Whether it's wanting to pay off your debts or get yourself set up for your future, there are many motivations for wanting to begin the path toward FI. This week we are joined by listener and fan of the podcast Rakesh to discuss how his journey to FI has been over the last 3 years and the lessons he’s learned along the way. We often stress on the podcast the importance of bold moves and taking action as an important step to achieving FI, and Rakesh embodies just that! Everyone on this journey starts from a different place, just as everyone’s long-term goals differ, but don’t allow yourself to be bogged down by the little hiccups that come with this journey. By pushing ahead and being mindful of your short and long-term goals, you may find yourself stepping out of your comfort zone toward the life you want to be living!
[elementor-template id="143609"]Timestamps:
- 1:15 - Introduction
- 4:50 - The Evolution Of The FI Journey
- 12:52 - Getting Comfortable Investing
- 22:09 - The Vision Board
- 30:39 - The Skill Of Spending And Future Planning
- 37:13 - Low Cost Of Living Areas
- 43:05 - Salary Negotiating And Job Transitioning
- 53:11 - The Impact Of Staying Put
- 56:06 - Conclusion
Resources Mentioned In Today’s Episode:
- Finding Your Locus of Control | Stereo Live Q&A | ChooseFI Ep 305
- How to Negotiate Your Salary Without Burning Bridges | Financial Mechanic | ChooseFI Ep 211
- Negotiate Your Salary With Tori Dunlap | ChooseFI Ep 147
- "Financial Feminist" By Tori Dunlap
- Community Building With Mr. Money Mustache And Mr. 1500 | ChooseFI Ep 131
- JL Collins
- "Why Does The Stock Market Go Up?: Everything You Should Have Been Taught About Investing In School, But Weren't" by Brian Feroldi
- Alignment & Adjustments | Scott & Taylor Rieckens | ChooseFI Ep 403
- Subscribe to The FI Weekly!