July Roundup: Working Backwards Into FI
Episode 448

Episode Guide
Episode Timestamps
In this episode: real estate investing, breaking up with your financial advisor, travel rewards, and spending for happiness.
As this month comes to a close, we think it’s only fitting to reflect on what July’s incredible guests have had to say, and what new knowledge and perspectives they’ve brought to the table. This week we are back with Ginger and introducing a more structured Roundup, where we will be revisiting topics from this past month's episodes and discussing our favorite moments and takeaways. While the subjects of this month's episodes have varied from spending for happiness to understanding Roth conversions, there is still more to learn and unpack before moving on to August!
[elementor-template id="143609"]Timestamps:
- 1:44 - Introduction
- 2:17 - Listener Updates/Travel Rewards
- 7:08 - Spending for Happiness
- 18:35 - Saving Addiction
- 22:01 - The Fundamental Truths of Investing
- 31:12 - The Small and Mighty Real Estate Investor
- 41:11 - Roth Conversions/Breaking Up with Your Financial Advisor
- 49:50 - Purposefully Not Optimizing
- 55:58 - Conclusion
Resources Mentioned In Today’s Episode:
- Subscribe to The FI Weekly!
- The Invisible Nature of Spending | Ginger Roundup | ChooseFI Ep 443
- ChooseFI’s Top 10 Recommended Travel Rewards Cards
- Spending for Happiness | Carl Jensen & Doug Cunnington | ChooseFI Ep 444
- Cometeer
- Fundamental Truths of Investing | Brian Feroldi | ChooseFI Ep 445
- Small and Mighty Real Estate Investor | Chad Carson | ChooseFI Ep 446
- Nick Magguilli Return on Hassle
- Mailbag: Breaking up with your Advisor, I Bonds, 4% Rule, Accounts for Kids, Roth IRAs | Sean Mullaney | Ep 447
- FI is Fun
While You're Here

Let's Talk About Fees | Why Investment Fees Are Evil and How to Avoid Them