Lessons From a Young Entrepreneur
Episode 422

Episode Guide
Episode Timestamps
In this episode: taking the unconventional path, the price of time, early entrepreneurship, talent stacking, and the pursuit of learning.
At least once in most of our FI journeys, we have pondered what our life would look like if we started earlier. Maybe you have even wondered what value could've been gained if you had started in your teenage years. Well, for some context into the possibilities that decision could provide, we decided to have 17-year-old listener Devon on the podcast to discuss what life can look like when you go against the cultural norm of going to college, and instead opting for an entrepreneurial and FI-friendly lifestyle. Often we mention that there are rewards that come with stepping out of your comfort zone, and the same can be said for going against the societal norm and carving out your own path! For our younger audience who may be interested in getting started with their FI journey, let this episode be a useful resource and reassurance that this journey can begin no matter your age!
[elementor-template id="143609"]Timestamps:
- 1:55 - Introduction
- 5:28 - Taking The Unconventional Path
- 11:58 - The Cost Of Time
- 16:36 - Early Entrepreneurship
- 30:45 - Building The Talent Stack And Real Estate Investing
- 36:56 - The Pursuit Of Learning
- 45:18 - Saving And Investing
- 51:53 - Early Retirement Planning
- 69:49 - Conclusion
Resources Mentioned In Today’s Episode:
- Raising Voyagers
- TalentStacker
- House Hacking With Coach Carson | ChooseFI Ep 16
- My First Million Podcast
- Speaker
- M1 Finance Review 2022: Commission-Free Automated Investing For Everyone
- "Die With Zero: Getting All You Can from Your Money and Your Life" by Bill Perkins
- How And Why To Set Up A Roth IRA Conversion Ladder | ChooseFI
- Go Curry Cracker | Capital Gains, Losses and The Roth Conversion Ladder | ChooseFI Ep 18
- "Why Does The Stock Market Go Up?: Everything You Should Have Been Taught About Investing In School, But Weren't" by Brian Feroldi
- Subscribe to The FI Weekly!