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Taking Stock of Your Life | Jordan Grumet
Episode 390

Posted by Choose FI

Episode Guide

Episode Summary:

Jordan Grumman, aka Doc G, shares profound insights from his new book 'Taking Stock', which reflects on financial independence, wealth-building, and living a regret-free life. Through patient stories, particularly that of Sam\u2014a man who faced terminal illness\u2014Jordan underscores the importance of living intentionally and prioritizing meaningful experiences over societal expectations. He emphasizes the emotional challenges of confronting one's mortality and the need for deep personal reflection to determine true aspirations. The discussion pivots to the concept of the 'reverse lottery test', encouraging listeners to assess their current lives against their ideal outcomes and offering strategies to eliminate unnecessary obstacles that prevent fulfillment. By realigning priorities towards purpose and happiness, we can create richer, more intentional lives.

Episode Timestamps

ChooseFI Podcast Episode Show Notes

Episode Title: Embracing Life’s Impermanence with Doc G

Episode Summary:
In this episode, Brad Barrett welcomes back Jordan Grumman, known as Doc G, from the Earn and Invest podcast. They discuss the lessons learned from terminal illness, emphasizing the importance of reflection, intentional living, and prioritizing what truly matters over material pursuits. Doc G shares insights from his book, Taking Stock, focusing on aligning actions with values and pursuing a life filled with meaningful experiences.

Key Topics Discussed:

  • Introduction to Doc G and his book
    Brad discusses Doc G's new book Taking Stock that shares invaluable life lessons.

  • Discussion on terminal diagnoses and life reflections
    Doc G shares a poignant story about a patient named Sam who, upon receiving a terminal diagnosis, immediately focused on fulfilling his travel dreams.

  • Importance of being prepared
    "Always have your bags packed." This advice encourages listeners to embrace spontaneity and opportunity in life.

  • Value of time
    Time is highlighted as the most precious, non-renewable resource, urging listeners to be intentional with how they spend it.

  • Visualization exercises
    Doc G discusses visualization as a tool to help clarify life goals, suggesting a life review to align actions with values.

  • Reverse lottery test explained
    The conversation explores this concept as a means of evaluating daily activities and making space for what truly brings joy.

Actionable Takeaways:

  • Reflect on personal desires and goals: Regularly assess what you want out of life and align your actions accordingly.

  • Practice visualization: Use visualization techniques to clarify what truly matters in your life. Consider conducting a yearly life review.

  • Utilize the reverse lottery test: Evaluate your daily activities as if you've won the lottery. Identify what to cut out for a more fulfilling life.

Key Quotes:

  • "Always be prepared for life's unexpected turns."

  • "Value your time; it cannot be replaced."

  • "Recognize your central role in your own life narrative."

Discussion Questions:

  • What does it mean to have your bags packed in practical terms?

  • How can we better use visualization in our daily lives?

  • In what ways can we shift our focus from goals to processes?

Podcast Description:

Join us as we dive into profound conversations about financial independence, reflecting on mortality, and living a life filled with joy and purpose with Doc G from the Earn and Invest podcast.

Podcast Intro: You're listening to ChooseFI. The blueprint for financial independence lives here. If you're looking to unlock the secrets to financial independence and early retirement, you're in the right place. Stay tuned and join a community of like-minded people who are getting off the hamster wheel and taking control of their lives in the pursuit of financial independence. ChooseFI, your home for financial independence online.

Podcast Extro: You've been listening to ChooseFI Podcast, where we help middle-class America build wealth one life hack at a time.

Embracing Life’s Impermanence: Lessons from Doc G

In today’s fast-paced world, we often become bogged down by our daily routines and obligations, neglecting the very essence of what makes life meaningful. Influential voices like Jordan Grumman, known as Doc G, shed light on this critical issue through his profound insights drawn from his experiences as a hospice doctor. His book, Taking Stock: A Hospice Doctor's Advice on Financial Independence, Building Wealth, and Living a Regret-Free Life, serves as an essential guide for anyone looking to reflect on their life and prioritize what truly matters. Here are some key takeaways from that conversation that can help you live intentionally and meaningfully.

Start with Intentional Reflection

Reflect Regularly on Personal Desires and Life Goals

Take a moment to pause and reflect on your life’s direction. Consider what you genuinely desire. Create a habit of regularly assessing your goals and aspirations. This practice can help align your daily actions with your long-term vision. Remember, our time is finite, and recognizing this truth can motivate you to take charge of your life sooner rather than later.

Visualization as a Tool for Clarity

Visualization exercises are powerful tools for clarifying your life's goals. Picture yourself on your deathbed. What regrets do you think you will have? What experiences would you wish you had taken? This simple yet impactful exercise can help spotlight the areas in your life that may need adjustment. Engaging in visualization can pave the way for intentional living.

The Importance of Being Prepared

Always Be Prepared for Life's Unexpected Turns

The concept of being prepared for unforeseen events resonates deeply. Doc G emphasizes the importance of "having your bags packed,” symbolizing readiness for life's adventures. If we live each day as if it were our last, decisions become clearer and more aligned with our core values. This perspective urges us to embrace spontaneity while cherishing the present.

Value Your Time

Remember, time is our most precious non-renewable resource. Every moment counts; instead of getting caught up in the mundane, focus on activities and people that enrich your life. Create more openings for meaningful experiences by evaluating where you spend your time and how it contributes to your happiness and fulfillment.

Establishing Meaningful Connections

Build Valuable Relationships

Meaningful living extends beyond personal aspirations to how we impact those around us. Engage with your community and nurture relationships that matter. Being intentional about the people in your life can lead to profound emotional connections and enrich your overall experience.

Write Your Own Obituary

This thought-provoking exercise encourages you to consider how you'd like to be remembered. Shifting the focus from a traditional approach of creating a bucket list to contemplating your life review not only highlights pivotal experiences but also encapsulates what really matters in our relationships and impacts on others.

Focusing on Processes Over Goals

Shift Your Mindset: Processes vs. Goals

Another critical insight from Doc G is to focus on the processes rather than solely on outcomes. For instance, if your goal is financial independence, enjoy the journey of learning about personal finance, making investments, and engaging in rewarding activities rather than fixating solely on reaching a specific financial milestone. This shift from a goal-oriented mindset to one focused on processes fosters a more enriching experience.

The Reverse Lottery Test

The Reverse Lottery Test is an invaluable exercise you can implement in your life. Imagine winning a substantial amount of money; how would you change your daily activities? This reflection can reveal aspects of your life that may not be fulfilling or aligned with your values. Strive to eliminate or delegate those unfulfilling tasks, allowing you to invest time in activities that resonate with you.

Taking Action: Practical Steps to a Meaningful Life

Commit to Daily Improvements

Focus on incremental improvements that lead to contentment and enjoyment over time. Aim for small, manageable changes that contribute toward your larger vision. It could be as simple as spending an hour reading each day or taking a walking break to clear your mind. These small journeys can lead to significant transformations.

Invest in Experiences Rather than Things

Doc G encourages reconsidering how we spend our money. Instead of hoarding wealth for the distant future, try allocating funds toward experiences that foster joy and connection. Whether it’s planning a family trip, gastronomic adventures, or attending enriching events, prioritize quality experiences that enhance your life.

Embrace the Magic of Everyday Life

Recognize Your Role in Your Life Story

Understanding that you are the main character in your life narrative is vital. The stories we tell ourselves shape our perspectives. Reframe your past, focus on triumphs rather than setbacks, and cultivate gratitude for experiences that have brought growth, understanding, and joy.

Live in the Present

Doc G's call to “see the magic in the day-to-day” reminds us of the beauty present in the simplicity of everyday life. By being mindful and present in your daily interactions, you can elevate ordinary moments into extraordinary experiences.

Ultimately, embracing life’s impermanence can inspire significant change. Use these insights to chart your path towards a life of meaning, fulfillment, and intentionality. As Doc G eloquently puts it, “Every day is a gift.” Make the most of it.

In this episode: marginal gains, prioritizing your present, purposeful living, impacting others, and goal setting.

Whether you like it or not we all will eventually die someday, and when that time comes the last thing we want to do is to look back on our lives with regret. Oftentimes in life we let expectations, outside obligations, and future ambition rule over us in the present, without fully realizing we could be living our dream life in the present! Nobody understands this more than former hospice doctor Jordan Grumet (aka Doc G) who comes back to the show to discuss the importance of finding meaning in the way we approach our goals, and how becoming more intentional and present could lead to a more fulfilling and purposeful life!

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Jordan "Doc G" Grumet


  • 1:27 - Introductions
  • 2:30 - Sam's Story
  • 6:29 - It's Not Bout The Goals, It's about The Processes
  • 14:23 - Marginal Gains
  • 17:33 - Prioritizing Yourself
  • 23:24 - Your The Star of Your Own Story
  • 27:20 - Making Ripples and Impacting Others
  • 35:24 - What Would You Do if Money Wasn't an Issue?
  • 41:36 - Money is a Tool and Measuring Friction
  • 50:15 - Conclusion

Resources Mentioned In Today’s Episode