featured image for podcast episodeThe Wealthy Educator | Chris Travers

The Wealthy Educator | Chris Travers
Episode 486

Posted by Choose FI

Episode Guide

Episode Summary:

Chris Travers, a public school teacher in New York City, achieved financial independence by mastering money management and investment strategies at the age of 26. Through saving, investing in 403(b) and 457 plans, and side hustling as a certified athletic trainer, he managed to grow his net worth to over a million dollars in just ten years. His journey involves practical insights on leveraging retirement accounts, avoiding the pitfalls of costly housing, and the benefits of frugality in daily life. Chris shares how living at home, renting wisely, and building a network enabled him to excel financially despite the challenges of a teacher's salary in a high-cost city. He emphasizes the importance of understanding available financial tools and maintaining flexibility in career choices, showcasing that public school teachers can thrive financially despite common misconceptions about their limitations.

Episode Timestamps

Episode Show Notes: Chris Travers' Journey to Financial Independence

Episode Summary:
In this episode, Chris Travers, a public school teacher from New York City, shares his inspiring journey to achieving a million-dollar net worth by age 36. Chris discusses his strategies for saving, investing, and maintaining flexibility in a high-cost city, emphasizing financial literacy and several essential resources that guided him.

Key Topics Discussed:

  • Podcast Intro

  • Origin Story of Financial Awareness

    • Chris's journey began at age 26 when he realized the importance of investing.
    • He received valuable advice from his uncle and started reading financial literature.
  • Maximizing Retirement Accounts

    • Importance of 403(b) and 457 plans for teachers.
    • Chris explains high-risk teachers have less access to financial education but can maximize their opportunities through these accounts.
  • Living At Home and Saving

    • Chris lived at home for a couple of years to save money, summarizing his mantra of “short-term sacrifice for long-term success.”
  • The Importance of Side Hustles

    • Chris discusses his side hustle as an athletic trainer, generating additional income while gaining experience and networking.
  • Renting vs. Buying in NYC

    • Chris provides insights into why renting in NYC can be more financially advantageous than buying due to high property costs.
  • Frugality and Financial Philosophy

    • Emphasizes embracing frugality as a key component of financial success while allowing for enjoyment in spending on experiences.
  • Educational Resources for Teachers

    • Overview of his book, "TLDR Financial Literacy for New York City Teachers," aimed at helping teachers understand their financial options.

Key Quotes:

  • "Short-term sacrifice leads to long-term success."
  • "Embracing frugality is essential for building wealth."
  • "Achieving financial independence means not depending on a pension."

Actionable Takeaways:

  • Maximize retirement accounts like 403(b) and 457(b) to build net worth.
  • Consider renting rather than buying to maintain financial flexibility in high-cost areas.
  • Leverage skills and interests to develop side hustles that complement primary income.


  • What accounts should NYC teachers consider for retirement?

    • Teachers should explore both 403(b) and 457 plans.
  • How did Chris manage to save money living in NYC?

    • By living at home initially and later sharing rent with a roommate.
  • What role does frugality play in financial success?

    • Frugality is essential for prioritizing savings and investing for the future.

Related Resources:

Discussion Questions:

  • What strategies can educators use to better manage their finances?
  • How can living arrangements impact financial health in high-cost areas?
  • What are the benefits of frugality in wealth building?

Social Media Snippets:

  • "Frugality is not a dirty word! Embrace frugality as a powerful financial tool!" [Timestamp: 00:27:15]
  • "You don’t have to rely on those golden handcuffs. Break free from golden handcuffs — pursue financial independence!" [Timestamp: 00:33:48]

Join Chris Travers and Brad Barrett as they explore how Chris's journey towards financial independence provides a blueprint for educators and individuals in high-cost living areas.

Podcast Extro: "You've been listening to ChooseFI Podcast, where we help middle-class America build wealth one life hack at a time."

Achieving Financial Independence as a New York City Teacher

In today's world, financial independence is a goal that many aspire to, yet far too few achieve. If you're a public school teacher in a high-cost city like New York, you might believe it’s nearly impossible to build significant wealth while managing a modest income. Yet, Chris Travers' story proves otherwise. By leveraging specific financial strategies, he attained a remarkable net worth of over a million dollars by the age of 36. Let's explore how you can adopt similar principles to reach your financial goals.

Understand Your Unique Financial Advantages

As a public school teacher, you have access to special retirement accounts that can significantly boost your savings potential:

Maximize Your Retirement Accounts

  • 403(b) Plan: This retirement account is available to public school employees. Make it a priority to contribute as much as you can each year. If your school incorporates a TDA (Tax Deferred Annuity) plan, this is essentially a 403(b) and offers additional retirement savings options.

  • 457 Plan: Many public service employees can access this plan, which allows for tax-deferred savings. This means you can save even more for retirement beyond your contributions to the 403(b).

Consider a Roth IRA

Educators should also look into setting up a Roth IRA to complement their 403(b) and 457 accounts. This retirement account offers tax-free growth and can be a fantastic way to diversify your investment strategy.

Embrace Frugality

Frugality is an essential component of wealth-building. It doesn't mean living a life of deprivation; rather, it's about making conscious spending choices:

  • Short-Term Sacrifice for Long-Term Success: It's crucial to delay certain comforts now to secure a brighter financial future. Chris lived at home for a couple of years post-graduation instead of jumping into the rental market, allowing him to save a substantial portion of his income.

  • Mindful Spending: Emphasize spending on experiences and things that truly bring you joy while being frugal in other areas. Chris enjoys Knicks games, spending on those experiences but is careful not to overpay for concessions at the arena.

Build Multiple Income Streams

Chris's journey also highlights the importance of diversifying your income. As a certified athletic trainer, he developed a side hustle that complemented his teaching job:

Use Your Skills

Leverage your unique skills and interests to create side gigs that can significantly increase your income. Whether offering tutoring, coaching, or freelance work, having a side hustle can help you save more towards your financial independence.

Make Strategic Decisions About Housing

In high-cost areas like New York City, making informed choices about housing can profoundly impact your finances:

Renting vs. Buying

  • Renting Offers Flexibility: Chris chose to rent rather than buy a home. By renting, he maintains financial flexibility without the stress of a mortgage that might consume a huge portion of his income.

  • Run the Numbers: If you think homeownership is the way to go, ensure you’re making a financially sound decision. Consider the total cost of owning a home (mortgage payments, taxes, repairs) and compare it with the cost of renting.

Cultivate Financial Literacy

Education is not just for the classroom; financial education is equally critical:

  • Inform Yourself Continuously: Reading personal finance books and following reputable financial blogs can provide you with valuable insights. Notable resources like "The Millionaire Next Door" can guide you on your journey.

  • Engage with Your Community: Sometimes, the best advice comes from peers. Engage with other educators who may share insights or tips on financial planning.

Protect Against the Golden Handcuffs

Many teachers face the dilemma of staying in a job due to the reassurance of a pension, also known as the "golden handcuffs." While a pension can be appealing, it's vital to build your net worth independently:

  • Pursue Financial Independence: Establishing your financial independence means you won't feel trapped by your job. Continue building your portfolio, and view the pension as an additional benefit rather than your sole financial plan.

Conclusion: Take Control of Your Financial Future

The path to financial independence might seem daunting, especially for educators in high-cost areas. However, by taking proactive and informed steps, leveraging available resources, embracing frugality, and building multiple income streams, you too can achieve your financial goals. Chris Travers' story serves as a beacon of what is possible through intentionality and strategic action.

Innovative and insightful choices in your financial journey can lead to a brighter, more independent future. Start today by researching retirement accounts, designing a frugal budget, and exploring side hustles that align with your passions. Remember, as Chris says, "Taking that extra money and investing it has done really well for myself."

Embrace your journey towards financial independence and watch as your aspirations transform into reality.

In this episode: public service accounts, side hustles, making FI possible, frugality, giving yourself freedom, and side hustles.

This week, we are joined by Chris Travers, a New York City public school teacher, and FI community member, to discuss his journey from being a natural saver to becoming a savvy investor, talk about the advantages and disadvantages of some of the retirement accounts provided to teachers, as well as discuss some ways he has been able to grow his net worth in the last ten years. Frugality is a term that often comes up while on the FI path, and finding a balance between saving and spending is crucial to reaching your financial goals. Remember that where you decide to save and spend and how you do so will evolve throughout your FI journey! While it can be hard to cut the costs of the things you enjoy in the present, being willing to cut out what you don’t need can set you up for success in the future! 

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Chris Travers:


  • 0:54 - Introduction

  • 6:47 - Public Service Accounts

  • 11:38 - Diving Into FI

  • 15:08 - Side Hustles/Making FI Possible

  • 22:17 - Renting vs Buying

  • 26:43 - Frugality and Loosening the Purse Strings

  • 32:25 - Giving Yourself Freedom

  • 37:53 - Conclusion

Resources Mentioned In Today’s Episode: