Foil Packet Chicken & Rainbow Veggies

Foil Packet Chicken & Rainbow Veggies

I think I originally found this recipe in Foot Network magazine, but have slightly adapted it over the years. It calls for a 'rainbow' of veggies, which included red pepper, carrots, yellow pepper, broccoli, and red onion. We have since changed it to be just our family's favorite veggies, so we usually do a mix cauliflower, red onion, and broccoli.
- 1 ½ pounds chicken breast (sliced thin and pounded)
- 1 red bell pepper (cut into 1 inch pieces)
- 1 yellow bell pepper (cut into 1 inch pieces)
- 1 cup baby carrots
- 1 cup broccoli or cauliflower (cut into medium size florets)
- 1 large red onion (cut into 1 inch pieces)
- olive oil
- Salt, pepper, and paprika to taste
- Preheat oven to 400 degrees.
Lay out all the veggies on a baking sheet. Sprinkle liberally with [wprm-ingredient text="Salt, pepper, and paprika to taste" uid="7"] and drizzle with [wprm-ingredient text="olive oil" uid="6"]. Toss to coat. Roast in oven for 40 minutes.
Sprinkle both sides of each piece of [wprm-ingredient text="1 ½ pounds chicken breast" uid="0"] with salt, pepper and paprika. Get 4 pieces of foil about 12 inches x 12 inches. Lay ¼ of the chicken (a piece or two, depending on how small you cut the chicken) in the center of the foil. Drizzle with olive oil. Fold up foil packet so that it is loose on top. Repeat for all of the chicken so that you have it in 4 foil packets. Put the foil packets on a baking sheet and bake in the oven for 20 minutes (put in when veggies are halfway through their 40 minutes).
- Serve one foil packet of chicken to each person (be sure to include some of the juice from the foil packet) and plenty of veggies for everyone!