Facebook Side Hustle Course Review: Can You Make Money On Facebook?

Posted by Choose FI
Facebook is a great place for businesses to advertise, but most small business owners don't want to take the time to learn how to optimize Facebook ads. This creates a wonderful opportunity to make some extra money! Facebook ads can be run from home--or anywhere with a laptop and an internet connection--making it a flexible side gig or even full-time business.

Can I Make Money On Facebook?

Before we dive in, you may be wondering how someone can earn money on a social media platform. While many people use Facebook as a way to connect with family and friends, businesses use the platform as a marketing tool. You’ve probably gone to the Facebook page for your favorite restaurant or seen a targeted ad when scrolling through your feed. Both of these are examples of ways businesses use social media to market themselves. As Facebook has increased focus on ad revenue, gone are the days when you could promote your business on Facebook for free. These days, if you want your customers to see you on Facebook, you need to pay. Facebook is also making a push for more advertising revenue by prioritizing ads on its platform. This is a great opportunity for those looking to make extra cash by helping businesses increase exposure through Facebook ads. Running Facebook ads is an easy side hustle that doesn't take a lot of time or resources once you learn the basics. It can be done from anywhere with a laptop and an internet connection. Even if you’re a newbie to the world of marketing and social media advertising, there are courses that will teach you everything you need to know to get started. Related: Why A Side Hustle Is FI's Secret Weapon

Why Do Businesses Need Facebook Ads?

One of the most important goals for most business owners is to bring in as many customers as possible. People don't read magazines and newspapers much anymore. But Facebook is still getting a lot of attention from consumers. Some people might say it gets too much attention! If you want eyeballs on your ads, social media is the way to go. Business owners are looking for new ideas to get their name in front of customers. Facebook ads offer a great way to meet consumers on a platform they are already using daily. In addition, social media ads are more affordable compared to traditional advertising platforms. Many businesses find a better return on investment through Facebook ads than other advertising methods. These types of ads can be very targeted and tweaked until they are profitable. They are also quick to put together and troubleshoot. Facebook ads allow business owners to target people who have bought from them before or those who browse their website. They can use the ads to offer a special discount, book an exploratory call or sign up for a free webinar. These kinds of ads can also be scaled up or down based on budget availability. A business owner can start out small and as the ad turns a profit, increase spending. This means it’s an affordable way for small businesses to get started with advertising.

Side Hustle Idea: Run Facebook Ads for Local Businesses

One great side hustle idea is to run Facebook ads for local businesses. Most business owners want to increase their social media exposure but don’t know how to get started. It takes time to figure out how to do this for their own business. A business owner would rather pay someone else to run Facebook ads than learn how to make an ad profitable. New customers are an essential part of making a profit for most business owners. With a Facebook side hustle, you can tap into your local small business market and help these business owners gain more exposure. If every new customer brings a business $500, getting 10 new clients through the door will increase revenue to $5,000. Let’s say each successful Facebook ad you run brings in 15 to 20 new customers each month and costs the business owner $2,000. That means the business is making $7,500 to $10,000 extra per month just based on one ad. You can provide local business owners with a great return for their money while you also bringing in extra income through your side hustle. It’s a win-win for both parties. The important part is to dedicate the time to learn how to run Facebook ads well and meet your client’s objectives. It’s imperative to set clear goals with your clients when you get started so you know how to measure success on their terms. Get to know their business model and what makes them money so you can tweak the Facebook ads to meet their objectives. The best part about the Facebook side hustle is that you need no experience to get started. You can learn all you need to know about running Facebook ads by taking the Facebook Side Hustle Course. Related: Short Term Side Hustles: Get The Financial Boost Without The Commitment

Facebook Side Hustle Course Review

All businesses, no matter how small, need to find customers. Facebook is the perfect place to do that. However, Facebook marketing can have a steep learning curve that many business owners are not up for tackling. They will eagerly pay for this service. This is why the Facebook Side Hustle course from Laptop Empires is a great investment. It will teach you exactly how to set up and execute high-quality Facebook ads that get results for your clients. The course will also help you find your own clients in the process. You will learn skills that will allow you to start earning money right away. Don’t let the name of the course fool you--it may be called Facebook Side Hustle, but it really should be called “How To Learn A Valuable Skill That Small Business Owners Would Love To Pay You For.” Going through the information, it's quickly apparent how much Bobby Hoyt and Mike Yanda, the creators of this course, have gone above and beyond mere Facebook marketing. They have created a step-by-step program that will allow anyone to see results in as little as three months. With their warm and engaging manner, they guide you through all the steps you need to create successful ads. This same information can take someone 20 years of trial and error to learn. Here’s how to get the most out of this course and what makes it stand out above others who teach similar skills. Check out the Facebook Side Hustle Course here.

Learn Marketing Concepts That Work Anywhere (Not Just On Facebook)

Bobby and Mike cover many important marketing concepts, which work across platforms. While the course has been optimized for Facebook marketing, you will learn many evergreen ideas around starting a new business, finding your first clients and figuring out conversion funnels. The skills you learn will even help you out in the future. When Facebook is finally overthrown by another platform, the core concepts that the course cover will still serve you well. Bobby and Mike have the background to teach you valuable marketing skills. Bobby runs a blog called Millennial Money Man and used Facebook ads as part of his strategy to get more than a million readers. Throughout the course, he shares the information he learned from experiences on how to create successful ads that convert. Mike used to be a lawyer but transitioned to working online. His Facebook ad agency focuses on running ads for small businesses. He teaches you the skills he used to get great clients and make thousands of dollars running Facebook ads. Together, they started Laptop Empires to teach others the skills they learned in online marketing and social media. While the focus is on Facebook ads, they also cover lead generation, how to start a business, how to turn a profit and so much more. Related: 6 Types Of Side Hustles You Can Start Today

Easy Step-By-Step Actionable Lessons

Bobby and Mike built this course from the perspective of someone who is not just new to Facebook marketing, but new to lead generation and business building. They’ve included resources to help you get up to speed with lead generation and marketing best practices. They also cover useful information such as setting up a new Facebook business page, how to use Facebook Ads Manager and how to secure and onboard your first client. Then they deep dive into building the first Facebook marketing campaign, analyzing the data and testing to optimize results so that you can produce results for your clients. Facebook side hustle course

No-Nonsense Practicality

Bobby and Mike aren’t dogmatic about how things should be done. Instead, they focus on doing what works for you. They usually walk you through more than one way to get a task done, depending on your situation. Check out the Facebook Side Hustle Course here.

A Community To Lean On

Facebook Side Hustle comes with a great bonus feature--a Facebook group. Bobby and Mike have pulled together a community of people who are trying to accomplish the same goals: earning more at a Facebook side hustle. This is similar to our own ChooseFI Facebook group where you can trouble-shoot problem areas, get feedback, stay accountable and discuss ideas with like-minded people. The Facebook group is full of people with tips and workarounds to help you solve the issues you face. The group's moderators will help you get started and troubleshoot any issues as you work through the course. The community they have mirrors what ChooseFI believes in and goes far in keeping people engaged and accountable.

Facebook Side Hustle Course Cost

The Facebook Side Hustle Course currently costs $497. Many Facebook ad courses retail for more than double that amount. The course is only available during launches, which run a few times a year. Keep in mind that the price can go up at any time. With that said, the information in the course is well worth the $497 price tag. The Facebook coaching support group is included for free for the first month, which is a great bonus. The group itself is worth way more than the monthly $47 fee since you can get feedback on your current projects and ask questions if you get stuck.

How Much Money Can I Make By Running Facebook Ads?

When it comes down to how much money you can make with Facebook ads, it's about finding the right clients. However, students in the Facebook Side Hustle course make on average an extra $1,000 to $2,000 per month. This can be a great way to boost your income from the comfort of your home. Unlike other side hustles such as driving for Uber or Lyft, running Facebook ads can be done from anywhere. For those with a family, finding a side hustle that works around your schedule can be a challenge. The Facebook Side Hustle Course shows you how to start a profitable side hustle that can make you real money and can be done on your own schedule. Related: How To Make More Money On The Side

How To Get The Most Out Of Facebook Side Hustle Course

If you are considering signing up for Facebook Side Hustle, the biggest tip is to start the course with the end in mind: landing your first customer. If you’ve never had to pitch a sale, this might be a little nerve-racking. But getting that first customer is crucial because it forces you to level up your efforts and turn what is an abstract idea into a real business. Most importantly, it earns you your very first testimonial. The good news is that Bobby and Mike do a good job of making it less scary. It’s almost like they built a whole section of the course called “Client acquisition for introverts.” Here at ChooseFI, we are mindful not to endorse products or services that we do not actually use ourselves. That is a tradition that Brad and Jonathan started from the early days of ChooseFI and is a tradition that we continue to observe. Our staff has gone through the course and are very comfortable with the information it offers. Bobby and Mike teach you the easiest and simplest way for a motivated person to break into a profitable and scalable side hustle. Related Articles: Facebook Side Hustle Course Review: Can You Make Money On Facebook?

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